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"Hana. Dul. Set. Anyonghaesyo. Exo imnida!"

I startled, jumping back as Exo introduced themselves to me. My eyes scanned their handsome faces and I lowered my head, bowing to them shyly. Xiumin's friend Sana scolded the guys and then glanced at me. "I'm sorry. They're always doing this purposely."

I shook my head. "It's okay." I gestured them to take their seats. I noticed Yixing looking outside the window and followed his gaze. What was he looking at? There was nothing out there.

"Where is noona?" Jongin asked. "I saw them outside earlier. Wait, I'll guide them in."

I frowned. Someone else was coming here? Noona?

"They left. Got a call from the manager," Junmyeon informed and turned to Sana. "Our trainee friends. They were called back to the practice session," he murmured, then nodded to Yixing.

Jongin settled down as I took their orders and gave mum the slip. I introduced myself to the group and Tao narrated the story of how I came to meet him and Jongin. The orders were going to take a while to be prepared so in the mean time, I got to know everyone personally, not much but yeah. It was different seeing them in person and listening to their carefree words.

I excused myself to grab the plates. Tao followed me to the counter, saying he would like to help out. I didn't mind. "How have you been?" he asked as we waited for one of the staff members to hand us the orders.

"Good. How are you doing?" I shifted to lean back against the counter. "I hope your manager didn't scold you much for the other night," I mused because I really was concerned about the way he left the place.

Tao waved the matter off. "It was not that bad." He looked around and I noticed that he was tapping his feet against the floor. Was he nervous? Wait. Why would he be nervous? Then his eyes moved to me. "You made new paintings."

I followed his line of sight. "You noticed?Umm.. How did you even know that I painted it?"

He shrugged. "You seem like a creative person." Tilting his head, he gestured towards my hands and feet. "Jongin was telling me the other day that you've an amazing footwork when you dance. Shame, I didn't get to see you perform."

My cheeks colored. "I'm not that good, but thank you." The atmosphere turned silent then. I should say something. "I was... I'm thinking of... joining YG," I blurted out. "You were asking me the other day so yeah. I'm thinking about it nowadays."

"YG Entertainment," Tao said slowly as if tasting the words on his lips. "Aren't you... like 18? Would they still take you in?"

I hummed. "I have done a few modeling projects for them, and they've offered me an actor training program," I told him. "People are not very... I mean... I don't think my parents or friends are going to react well with YG. No one likes the company."


"I don't know. Dad says that YG might be one of big three, but it gives him an off vibe. Whatever that means." Sighing, I turned to stare at the door. "I'll tell them it's JYP I'm joining. They won't find out. Would they?"

"Let me tell you a secret," he murmured, "Entertainment industry is off. Whatever company you join... it's all about how you handle things because their way is same. Every company is same."

He had a frown on his face. "You hate SM," I stated. It was more like a statement than a question.

Tao shook his head. "You tell me. Why did you change your mind? You were so defensive the last time I suggested it."

I shrugged. "Money. I need money. YG will let me have a lot of modeling projects before my acting debute. I want to make money."

He didn't say anything. Just nodded his head as if he understood my reasoning. We grabbed the orders and went to the vip section with the other two helping men. It took us three turns to get the whole order on the table and then I sat down. Tao sat beside me.

Counting Stars (In A Relationship With EXO Kai) Where stories live. Discover now