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Some days later, I went with Jesus ahead of my Daddies, Miss Mary, Aunt Joanne and siblings, to Capernaum. The Sea of Galilee greeted us with its waves rolling on the shores and the gulls calling out. I saw that Daddy was already there.

"You know what my favorite part is being on the water?" I asked Jesus.

"What is your favorite part?" He asked me.

"I love it when the sun shines down on the water and makes it sparkle. It's like God created magic!" I grinned. "And when the sun rises or sets, the water seems to mirror the sky! That too, is like magic!"

"I agree. You can find magic everywhere and anywhere in nature." Jesus nodded lovingly. "My favorite part is walking on the seashore, hearing the seagulls calling, and feeling the sand on My feet."

"That part, too!" I agreed with a laugh.

"You're mad! What can anyone do to save us from all this?! We don't need more prophets! We've got enough problems trying to eat!" A man snapped as we came closer to the coast.

"Yes, you do!" I heard the all too familiar voice of Krishna shoot back at the man who was talking to Andrew. I heard Kim trying to calm them both down.

I saw the man that Kim, Krishna and Andrew were talking to, and he had olive skin, and was leaner than Andrew, with messy curly hair, a beard, wearing a gray short sleeved robe, with a dark blue sash, and he was angry and annoyed. The hems of his robe were tied to his thighs, the same way Andrew's was, and I wondered if this man and Andrew were related.

"John, James! Tie up the boats and don't pay!" the man barked.

The men in the boats did is they were told, and my Daddy shook his head, not wanting to be a part of whatever was going on. With Daddy were Dada, Doctor Stephen and Sweeney.

I felt Kim and Krishna hug me, and then they came and hugged Jesus as we both passed by to the boats.

I felt Jesus lift me and set me down gently onto an empty boat, and He followed close behind. He helped Kim and Krishna on board first.

"Hey! HEY! What the--?" the hotheaded man protested.

"Push the boat out." Jesus instructed calmly.

"Push--wha-what is this?!" the hothead demanded.

Krishna, Kim and I couldn't help ourselves. We giggled at the man's expressions.

"You want everyone else to come, too?" Jesus chuckled humorously.

"It'd be a full house, that's for sure!" I added with a giggle.

"Come on!" Andrew chuckled, boarding the boat. "Look, if you sail out a little..."

The hotheaded man begrudgingly got on the boat and pushed the boat out with his oar.

"Hey, Andrew...who's the angry guy?" I asked.

"My brother, Simon. He's a good man, I promise." Andrew answered.

"He's a bit of a hothead." Krishna added. "But a good man."

We all quieted down and focused our attention on Jesus as the crowds got settled on the shore. Daddy was in another boat with the men named John and James.

"What is the Kingdom of Heaven like?" Jesus began with a question.

I shrugged and so did my siblings. The crowds didn't seem to know either.

"I'll tell you. It's like...a mustard seed." Jesus said as He made a motion with His hands.

I pictured the mustard seed in my mind.

NO GREATER LOVE-A Miracle Maker AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now