conclusion-ask, seek, knock

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I moved, yawned and stretched. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and I opened them. My first century robe was now multicolored, like a rainbow. I sat up, eyes widened.

There Jesus was, just as He promised. He looked as He was before the guards arrested and beat Him, with the nail marks on His wrists and feet, a lance mark on His side, with the same burgundy robe, and a sash that was white as snow. That familiar gentle and loving smile was on His face.

"Rani," He greeted warmly, His arms outstretched to me.

I leapt into His arms right away, very much happy to see Him after what had happened two days ago.

He returned the hug, and I found I was crying, but it was tears of relief, joy, and a greater understanding of the sacrifice He made I since shared a link with Him. The link between us expired as soon as I woke up.

I could sense Daddy now, realizing that I was now awake, and he was now running to me after he drank water, which meant the bond I shared with him was back.

"Man, that hurt! That really hurt!" I laughed and cried at the same time.

"It's all right, Rani. The hardest part is over. I put Satan on a leash, conquered sin and death. Now there's a way to the Kingdom of Heaven. I would do it all over again. That's how much I love you, and everyone." Jesus reassured, a hand on my shoulder as we broke the hug.

"I'd do the link with You all over again in a heartbeat!" I laughed and cried. "I understand now why You went to such lengths to save us. Thank much for Your love!"

We hugged again, Jesus' hand on my hair gently.

"Blessed are you, daughter of went through this bond with Me, never once faltering, I foresee you'll become a very powerful, wise, kind and compassionate Sorceress in your timeline and century." Jesus told me after we broke the hug again.

"I hope to be," I shyly said.

"I know you will be. We went though this together, Rani. We'll continue to go through this together, including when you start your first mission." Jesus said tenderly, His forehead with mine, gentle hand in my hair still.

"Forever guiding me. You're just one prayer away," I said, happy tears gathering again.

"Always," Jesus whispered gently.


I heard Jessie, Ruby, Adrienne and Alex chorus together in joy.

I felt them hug me vigorously, and I let them, because I missed their hugs so much. They also hugged Jesus too.

"Hey girlies!" I greeted.

"Hello!" Jesus smiled tenderly.

"We missed you and that, and too, we missed Jesus too!" Jessica said with a smile.

"We missed you," Jesus smiled.

"We sure did," I nodded, hugging Jessie.

My stomach growled loudly. My eyes widened in shock.

"Uh-oh!" Alex giggled.

Jesus and I laughed.

"You must be hungry!" Jesus said cheerily.

"I am! Let's see, when was the last time I—PASSOVER?!!! I DIDN'T EAT ANYTHING SINCE PASSOVER?!!!" I realized.

"I guess not!" Jesus laughed.

"RANI!!! RANI!!" I heard Daddy now coming in with Dada. Miss Mary was behind them, also relieved.

"DADDY!!! DADA!!!" I hugged my parents.

NO GREATER LOVE-A Miracle Maker AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now