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A couple of days after New Year's, Yelena awoke. She had just returned home from New York a day prior and was jet lagged from the timezone difference. She sat up and checked her phone. She smiled to herself upon seeing the date. Yelena remembered the day back in 2016 when she reinvented her birth certificate. She was sitting in Budapest in her flat with a calendar in front of her. She closed her eyes and put her finger on a day. That day, was January 3rd. She put her widow's bites on her wrists and took the loaded pistol out from under her pillow (a habit both her and Natasha had gotten from the Red Room).

After she got dressed she went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. She didn't fill it all the way and filled the space left with vodka. She felt hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. It was quiet. Too quiet.

"Mom? Dad?" She asked. Drawing her pistol she crept into the dining room.

"SURPRISE!!!!" Melina, Alexi, Natasha, and Kate all yelled as she entered. Yelena screamed, and nearly dropped her gun. "Shit! You all nearly gave me a heart attack!" She exclaimed. "Sorry, Yel, it was my idea." Natasha said, chuckling. "I suppose it was also your idea to smuggle Kate Bishop all the way to Russia?" Yelena asked. "You really think I'd miss your special day, Yelena?" Kate asked with a smile. She came over and planted a kiss on her cheek. "How did you even know today was my birthday?" Yelena asked. Natasha sheepishly held up her reinvented birth certificate. "You sneaky bitch!" Her sister said with a laugh. "Guilty as charged. But I figured since we had no real birthday parties as kids we could have them now." Natasha said.

"You never had birthday parties as kids? Boy, that Dreykov is a douchebag huh?" Kate said. "Hell yeah!" Yelena and Nat exclaimed at the same time. "Nat told me about you killing him. That was cool, you get extra points from me on that." Kate added with a cheeky grin. Yelena laughed, remembering their girls night at Kate's flat. "Thank you." She said. Yelena saw the stack of pancakes with candles in them on the table. "Pancakes?!" She exclaimed. "We figured you'd like them more than a cake." Natasha said. "You might've liked pancakes even more than mac and cheese when you were little." Melina said. "True." Yelena replied. "Oh, so that's why you made mac and cheese at our girls night!" Kate said. Yelena nodded.

They all sang to her and she then blew out the candles. "What'd you wish for?" Natasha asked. "I couldn't wish for anything more than this." Yelena said with a smile.

Hawkeye and Black Widow 2: Bishop and BelovaWhere stories live. Discover now