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After Yelena telling her she couldn't remember anything after them meeting on the rooftop, Kate went to tell the psychological expert, Melina.

"I'm not surprised she's lost some of her memory from the trauma she's been through. I don't believe it'll be permanent though." The matriarch of their found family said. "If you tell her about what she's forgotten it would help jog her memory a bit quicker."

"Thank god." Kate said, sighing in relief. She made her way back to Yelena's room, where the aforementioned widow was moved to recover more comfortably. From then on, Kate was joined to her hip, and wouldn't leave her side. She took care of Yelena while she recovered, basically nursing her back to health. Kate told her about their little 'girl's night' they had at her apartment. How they fought each other at her mother's Christmas party and how she actually didn't kill Clint and that after they reconciled and she learned that Natasha was alive, she came to the Barton Farm for Christmas. She also explained how they had their first kiss there under the mistletoe. As the days went by of Kate taking care of Yelena and refreshing her memory, she fell for Kate all over again.

One day, Kate came in holding her laptop and some popcorn. "Movie night?" She asked with a smile.

"Depends what movie." Yelena replied. She slid to one side of her bed and Kate sat down next to her.

"I dunno. Ooh, we should watch a Disney movie!" Kate said. "Uhm, have you seen a Disney movie before?"

"How do you think I learned English in the Red Room?" The widow asked with a chuckle.

"Hey! I didn't know, I just know how totalitarian Dreykov was." The archer responded.

"Yeah. Thank god I killed him, amirite?" Yelena said.

"Hell yeah. What Disney movie do you wanna watch?" Kate asked. "Ooh have you seen Tangled?"

"No. I think I was still being subjugated at the time it came out. I hadn't been freed yet." She replied.

"Oh my god, we're watching it. It's so good!" The new Hawkeye responded. She put the popcorn in between them and started the movie after Yelena turned the lights off.

After the movie ended, Kate was rambling to her about it and she chuckled softly and smiled. Yelena suddenly kissed her, cutting her off mid-sentence. Kate's eyes widened in shock but then she fell into it. A few moments later, Yelena broke the kiss, and after that Kate was silent. Her cheeks flushed bright red. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

"You started rambling." Yelena said. "Although I didn't mean to make you go mute."

"S-Sorry...it happens when I talk about things I like." Kate replied, finally able to speak.

"It's okay. I think it's cute." The widow remarked.

"Oh, uhm, thanks." The archer said. "...Wait! You think I'm cute?" What Yelena had said finally sank in.

"No, I think you're adorable." She responded. This caused Kate to blush again. After that there was a bit of silence between them.

"I'm surprised you haven't asked how I ended up like this." Yelena said, in reference to her physical state, also breaking the silence.

"Well, with the trauma and you not remembering everything we've been through, I just didn't think to. But, how did you end up like this?" Kate replied.

"They wanted to know where you were. When I wouldn't tell them, they resorted to beating it out of me. Needless to say, that didn't work either." She explained.

"You went through all that, to protect me? Why?" The younger of the two asked.

"People do crazy things when they're in love." Yelena said with a grin. Kate gasped at this. "Hercules?!" She exclaimed, also grinning.

Yelena chuckled.  "God, I hope that wasn't corny." She said, blushing a little.

"No! It was amazing. I loved it, almost as much as I love you." Kate replied.

"I love you too, Katherine." Yelena responded happily.

"How do you know that's my real name? The only person who calls me by that is my Mom when she's pissed at me." The archer said.

"Like I said before, I know a lot about you." The widow replied.

"Before he died, my Dad always called me 'Katie'. Nobody else has called me that since. I've never cared for anyone as much as, if not more, than I cared for him until I met you. I'm starting to understand what Clint meant by the greatest shot he ever took was the one he didn't take now." Kate said.

"Please, I know you didn't take that shot because you were scared of me." Yelena replied with a playful smile.

"I wasn't scared of you! I didn't know who you were. You weren't really focused on me at the time. You were busy with Clint." The archer responded.

"You're not wrong. I could tell you were at least intimidated by me, as I did give you a sort of death glare." The widow said.

"I won't lie, I kind of was. Mainly by how skilled you are in combat. I never would've thought back then I'd be friends with you, let alone fall in love with you." Kate remarked.

"You know I can't help making people like me, Katie." Yelena replied with a small smirk. Kate chuckled at this, her eyes glazing over with tears. "Was that not okay? Oh, I'm so sorry, I-" The Russian began.

"No, no. It's fine. It's perfect, actually. I just haven't heard anyone call me by that name since my Dad died in the Battle of New York. It's nice to hear it again." She said with a smile.

"Phew, good. I was so worried I'd done something to upset you. Haven't even been your girlfriend one day and I already made you cry." Yelena chuckled.

"I'm not upset. They're happy tears." Kate replied and kissed her cheek softly.

"Then I take it it's okay if I call you Katie from now on?" Her girlfriend said.

"Way better than calling me my full name." The archer said with a laugh. Yelena checked the time on Kate's laptop then.

"Shit. It's like 2am. We should get some rest." The widow suggested.

"Yeah." Kate said. She stood up but Yelena grabbed her hand.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" She said with a playful smile.

"Uhm, to bed?" Kate replied, "Is that not what you just said?"

"Yeah but I didn't mean we had to sleep separately. Hurt girl can't even cuddle her girlfriend." Yelena said, sticking her bottom lip out. Kate laid back down next to her and pulled Yelena into her arms.

"Of course she can. She always can. Even when she's not hurt." She responded with a smile.

"Yay!" The widow exclaimed and wrapped her arms around Kate, laying her head on Kate's chest. A few hours later, Natasha, who was awake due to her insomnia, peeked into Yelena's room to check on her and saw the two fast asleep holding each other. She chuckled at this, happy the two of them had found each other.

A/N: Holy shit, sorry for the wait guys. I've been busy and I've been on two back to back vacations. I was at Disney World (no I didn't go into the parks) and I went to both stores with Marvel merch and the only Black Widow thing they had was a freaking PIN! Even in death Natasha's still slandered and I don't appreciate it. They were like "ThEy'Re FoCuSiNg On ThE nEwEr HeRoEs" okay well I didn't see Kate Bishop or Yelena stuff either and also that's not true bc if that was the case they wouldn't have a literal walk around character of Nat at Avengers Campus (who makes me cry I love her so much😭). Anyway this chapter is pure fluff enjoy!!!! :)

Hawkeye and Black Widow 2: Bishop and BelovaWhere stories live. Discover now