We Accept You, Leo

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A/N: This is for my omnisexual sis mandylaren23! I really hope you enjoy it little sis! And for all the omnisexuals and demisexuals out there, enjoy this oneshot! This is like the original 'Accepted' only it's with Leo coming out instead of Mikey!

If you're omnisexual or demisexual, comment here!


Leo took a deep breath as he tied on his mask, but not his normal blue one. A light pink one. Today, Leo was going to do something he'd never done before. Something that might change the way his family amd friends see him forever.

Leo was going to come out of the closet. "I have to tell them eventually...but what if they think I'm weird? What if they don't understand?" Leo whispered softly to his reflection in the mirror.

He took another deep breath. "Maybe they won't mind..." He reassured himself. Leo had been wanting to tell them about his sexualities for awhile now, but was worried they wouldn't accept him.

Leo smiled a bit to himself. This was the day. It was time. "Time to come out...hope this goes well..." He left his room and walked into the kitchen where he knew everyone would be finishing lunch.

Splinter was there along with Raph, Donnie, Mikey, April, Casey and Karai. Leo walked in, smiling nervously. "Hey, everyone!" They all looked at him.

"Hey Leo, how come come skipped lunch bro? You missed a perfectly good jalapeño and jellybean pizza!" Mikey smiled as Leo smiled back a bit nervously.

"Yeah, you okay? You seem a bit pale? Are you sick?" Donnie asked as Raph added "Ya look like you're about ta pass out, fearless." He looked at Leo in concern.

"And why are you wearing that shirt and a different mask?" Karai asked curiously as Leo was wearing a shirt with dark pink, light pink, dark blue, blue-ish purple, light blue, grey, white, black and dark purple.

Leo chuckled a bit. "I'm fine guys, I'm not sick or anything, I was just...planning something uh...there's uh a reason why I'm wearing this." He gulped nervously.

April looked at Leo. She immediately knew what he was trying to do and smiled at him gently out of reassurance. Casey blinked in confusion and looked at Leo. Karai stayed quiet, frowning a bit in concern.

"Are you alright, my son?" Splinter asked, taking note of Leo's nervous behavior. "Yeah, what do you wanna tell us, dude?" Casey asked calmly as they all looked at Leo, perplexed and a bit concerned.

Leo took a deep breath. "What I've been meaning to tell you all for quite some time is that...I'm omnisexual and demisexual!" Leo said quickly, smiling a tiny bit. He close his eyes, waiting for teasing to begin.

Instead, Mikey ran up to Leo, threw his arms around him and pressed his cheek against Leo's. "I'm so proud of you for coming out, bro!" He cheered happily.

Leo smiled a bit and hugged his little brother tightly. "Thanks, Mikey." Raph patted Leo's carapace. "Nice!" Donnie smiled. "Wow, that's great Leo!"

April hugged Leo. "I knew it!" She smiled as Leo chuckled. "That's cool, man!" Casey added with a smile. "Indeed, you are very brave to tell us this, Leonardo." Splinter said warmly with a small smile.

"Yeah, and we of course all love and accept you, right everyone?" Karai asked as they all hugged Leo. "Of course!/you bet/yeah!" They all chimed in as Leo hugged back tightly, sighing in relief.

"I'm glad you all accept me and love me unconditionally, I was worried you'd think I was weird..." Leo admitted, looking down a bit. Casey shook his head. "Nah, we're glad you told us!" He smiled a bit.

Raph then cleared his throat. "I um, what's omnisexual and demisexual mean, exactly?" He asked as Leo smiled and sat down. He had a feeling he'd have to explain since it wasn't always easily understood.

"Well, omnisexual means that I'm attracted to all genders, but I have a preference to who I want to date." Leo explained. "In my case, I prefer girls or even non-binary women." He smiled a bit, feeling calmer.

"So, kinda like pansexual?" Mikey tilted his head to the side. Leo shook his head. "No, pansexual refers to people who don't really care about gender and are more gender blind, omnisexuals have a preference."

Mikey smiled. "Oh, cool!" Leo smiled a bit. "Yeah, that's really cool, I've never heard of that!" Karai added. "Yeah, sadly most omnisexuals don't get much representation because a lot of people think it's just like being pansexual, but it's not." Leo sighed.

Splinter placed his hand on Leo's shoulder. "Well, we understood that there is a difference and that you are omnisexual, my son." Leo smiled up at his father. "Thank you, father." He churred a little bit.

"What's demisexual, by the way?" Casey asked. Leo smiled. "Oh, demisexual means that I have to have a strong emotional bond with someone before I have sex with them!" They all nodded, understanding.

"So you wouldn't have sex with someone you just met?" April joked as Leo laughed. "No way!" They all laughed as well. "I think I'm demisexual too!" Mikey added. "Me too!" Donnie added. "Same!" April nodded. "I am as well." Splinter smiled a bit.

"That's wonderful! I'm so glad I'm not the only one!" He cheered softly as they cheered as wellm Leo smiled as Karai looked at him with a small confused smile.

"Hey little bro, what do those colors mean?" Karai gestured to Leo's mask and shirt. Leo smiled. "The dark pink, light pink, dark blue, blue-ish purple, and light blue represent the omnisexual flag!"

"Pretty!" April smiled. "Yeah!" Donnie added. "And the grey, white, black and dark purple represent the demisexual flag!" Leo explained as they all nodded in understanding and smiled at Leo.

"Thanks for understanding everyone!" Leo said as he churred happily. He had been so worried for nothing and was so happy his family loved, understood and accepted him no matter what happened.

They all hugged Leo close. "You don't have to thank us Leo, we'll always accept you no matter what, your sexualities won't change that..." Donnie said softly everyone agreed, smiling at Leo reassuringly.

Leo smiled more and hugged them all once more. "I love you guys!" They smiled and hugged back. "We love love more Leo, and we're really glad you told us!" Mikey replied. "I am too!" Leo churred softly.

Leo had nothing to fear because he was accepted!

A/N: Hey Cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy this cute chapter! Leo came out yayyy!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey Cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy this cute chapter! Leo came out yayyy!

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Accepted: Leo's EditionWhere stories live. Discover now