Social Standards

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"Kid! Why the hell are you sleeping? Happy is going to be here any minute to take you and Peter to school!" Tony screeched, as he walked into my room, ripping the covers off of me.

I immediately shot up and looked around the room confused, and remotely jittered. My eyes landed on a pissed off Tony, who was holding my blanket, balled up in his fist.  "Wait, I have school today? I figured I didn't start till next week." I stated, rubbing my eyes with both hands.

It probably wasn't a good idea staying up till 3 a.m., binge watching Netflix.

Tony ran a hand through his hair, "I thought I told Peter to remind you that you start tomorrow...did he not tell you last night?" Tony grumbled.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and shook my head in response, "I mean he brought up the idea of school, but he never told me when I would start." I said, while recalling the events from the night prior.

Tony once again ran his hand through his hair, this time a little more rougher than the last. "I'll have a word with him, you should get dressed and quickly eat something, school starts in 15 minutes." Tony said in his once again monotone voice.

"Okay I get it, can you leave now?" I responded back, raising my voice just enough to get a reaction from him.

Tony opened his mouth to retaliate, maybe even to give me one of those old fashioned lectures of his, but nothing came out. He was speechless, for once in his life.

"Mr. Stark...Mr. Stark? MR. STARK!" Peter screamed out, somewhere from downstairs, presumably the kitchen.

Tony stuck a finger out in front of me, signaling this confrontation was not over. He spun around and strutted his way out of my room. I watched him peer over the banister and look around for Peter.

"Mr. Stark!?" Peter screamed out again, this time sounding a bit closer than the last time.

"What is it kid?" Tony shouted back, still peeking over the banister.

"I tried making a pop tart for breakfast..." Peter said, his footsteps echoing throughout the hall as he padded his way over towards the side of the compound we were on.

Tony paused for a second before responding, " you want a cookie or something kid? Good job you made breakfast I'm so proud." Tony snarked, turning towards me and shaking his head.

Peter was now standing in view and he looked like he'd seen a ghost, he was white and looked remotely sweaty for some reason.

"Mr. Stark this is serious!" Peter snapped, stomping his foot at the of his sentence to make a point.

Tony crossed his arms across his chest and smirked, "What's so serious about your pop tart kid?" Peter's eyes darted from mine back to Tony's and than down towards his shoes.

"I...put it in the toaster as one does and it kinda...sorta-" Peter dragged on his story.

"Kinda sorta what kind?" Tony quizzed, his voice remaining calm despite the dire tone of Peter's.

The smoke alarms began going off in the house, practically sounding like war sirens. I quickly shielded my ears with my hands and gritted my teeth, Tony eyed Peter up and down angrily.

"You set the toaster on fire?!" Tony screeched, his eyes blown wide out of proportion as he glared down the young boy.

Peter shrunk down, "N-No...I mean it wasn't me, the pop tart-"

"Enough with the damn pop tart kid! J-just get to school, both of you... now, please?" Tony sighed, rubbing his temples.

Peter nodded quickly and darted down the stairs, "See you in the car Y/n!" He yelled out, the door sound of a door closing behind him indicating he was now outside.

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