Early Morning Hours

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My eyes shot open abruptly, causing me to sit up in my bed and look around my room. It was pitch black, meaning the sun wasn't even up.

I groaned and threw my head back on my pillow, slamming my eyes shut in hopes I could get back to sleep. I rolled over onto my side, nothing, onto my stomach, once again nothing.

My mind was wide awake, thinking about all sorts of things, how this was my last day of staying home before being sent back to the mental institution. How, I managed to meet the Avengers without actually meeting the Avengers, and Peter...just Peter.

I would be lying if I wasn't confused or even concerned at this point. For both my sanity and my well-being, I needed an answer, whether it be a yes or no.

I needed clarity.

Without thinking I tore the blanket off of me and swung my legs over the side of my bed, jumping out and stalking towards the door. I was going to ask him out, plain and simple, how hard could it be?

I placed my hand on the keypad and my door opened, exposing the dimly lit hallway of the compound. The compound was completely silent, almost as if time was frozen.

There wasn't any sort of ambiance going on, no machinery clanking about, no banter going on downstairs, not even any crickets or bugs outside making any noise. The only sound was coming from my heavy breathing, as I continuously gazed around the hall.

I stepped out into the hall and shivered as my bare feet collided with the cold marble flooring. Now I can see why everyone either wore socks or some sort of footwear around the halls.

I swear I haven't seen a single square of carpet anywhere in this building, and the greatly offended me for some reason, like why don't we?

I shook the thought of being cold out of my head and embraced the task at hand, the reason I'm out here, in the middle of a dimly lit hallway, at some ungodly hour of the morning.

I eyed Peter's room and took a few steps forward, taking my lip between my teeth and gnawing vigorously, not caring if I drew blood. All of a sudden any ounce of confidence had vanished, and I was left with nothing but clammy palms and a pair of flannel pajama pants.

I quickly turned around and dashed back into my room, and right back into bed. Whatever I had to tell Peter could wait till morning, I'm pretty sure.

Could it really though?

I lunged for the bedside table and picked up my phone, immediately being greeted with a blinding white light, that made me drop my phone onto the floor causing a giant thud to echo throughout the quiet room.

And in my haste/panicked state I forgot to shut my bedroom door, meaning the noise was probably heard from the hallway, and beyond. Just my luck.

I clambered out of the bed once more and rushed over towards the keypad, practically slamming my hand up against it, but my door didn't close.

Instead it made a weird chirping sound, I frowned and peeked my head outside into the hall, making sure the chirp hadn't disturbed anyone.

I pressed my hand up against the keypad once more, and it chirped again this time a little louder.

I sucked in a deep breath and eyed whatever I could see from the keypad in the darkness. The screen of the keypad was flashing now,  a darkened yellow color, a color I immediately associated with caution.

If I try again and my handprint fails to register...

I genuinely felt like someone or something was out to get me, I mean here I am waking up at...I never checked the clock on my phone.

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