First day jitters

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"...So, since we're partners now, which element should we research first?" Peter asked, as he skimmed through his chemistry book, flipping page after page.

My mind was elsewhere, in fact I'm surprised I even picked up on any of the words that he said. I was too focused on the events that happened today, especially the parking lot fiasco.

The lashout wasn't necessary but if felt therapeutic getting all that rage out, but not on Peter. The kid didn't deserve it, he looked scared and definitely wasn't used to people getting in his face like that, and it's the fact I've only known him for TWO days.

Ugh this project, this school, this teacher can all go straight down to the deepest, darkest, and most fiery pits of hell.

The teacher...Ms. Warren. That woman had no business getting in my face about being late, sure I've dealt with worse teachers in the past, but this old broad was out of her mind. Usually new kids don't have to deal with the teacher's being bitches on their first day, but oh was she pushing it.

"Attention class." Ms. Warren spoke up, causing all the kids in the room to stop their side conversations and focus on her. "I believe we never properly introduced our newest class member, Mr. Potts can you please stand and share a little about yourself to the class?" She smiled, almost sinisterly like she knew this would be the death of me, and she loved it.

I cleared my throat and looked around the room, which probably wasn't a good idea to begin with. All eyes were on me at this point, not a single person was looking away.

"Uhm..." I mumbled, my eyes frantically jumping around the room, from the ceiling to the floor, and back up again, I was losing it.

"Come on Mr. Potts, we don't have all day. Time is ticking." Ms. Warren smirked, her arms crossed flatly across her chest. That smug woman was enjoying every second of this torture, and I had no clue why.

Why does she loathe me this bad? All I did was enter her classroom, and she makes it her personal business to make me stand out in front of the class. Picking at me like a scab on the knee of a kindergartner, only a petty bitch would do such a thing, and this bitch was indeed PETTY.

"Y-You should probably say something, or thing could get worse." Peter whispered, cupping his mouth so, that Ms. Warren and her skank self wouldn't see him speaking.

"Yeah, no shit." I snapped back, under my breath, which caused Peter to look at me with confusion and possibly sadness, I couldn't tell.

"Boys this isn't lunch period, quit the sideline chat and Y/n please introduce yourself, and do not make me ask again!" She yelled, this time stomping her foot as an indication that she was indeed pissed.

I jolted from the stomp and looked at Gwen, who gave me a half-smile and a thumbs up. I took in a breath and faced the group of beady eyed hoes in front of me.

"My name is Y/n Potts uhm, I'm a transfer here from New Jersey, and yeah I'm just living at this point." I said, putting little to no effort into my introduction.

I went to sit down when the teacher once again cleared her throat, "Excuse me young man, I never said you were finished-"

And without thinking I snapped back, "And I never asked to be here in the first place! You've done nothing but make a fool out of me and for what? You're own personal gain? You make me sick and there's a reason why you're single, have a nice life you dusted ass old bitch!" I said, grabbing my bag from my chair, getting ready to get the fuck out of there.

As I was getting my bag, I noticed that all the kids were speechless and left flabbergasted by my introduction. That is everyone but Peter who still sat there, twiddling with his pencil, a forlorn look on his face.

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