A Yellow Glow

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"I swear Caraleigh if you eat that ice-cream any faster you'll get a brain freeze!" I scold my six year old sister, who was currently scarfing down a cone of chocolate ice-cream. She shrinks down in her chair at my use of her full name. The tan skin around her pink lips coated in chocolate. Her golden hair had little bits of chocolate in it too, I'm guessing from the way she was eating, it must have gotten in her way.

"Please slow down." I sigh taking a small bite of the lemon ice-cream sitting in my cup on the cold metal table.

"If you don't eat it fast, it melts!" She whines as little bits of the cream melt on her fingers. Getting up I grab some napkins, returning to the table I unfold them and lay them neatly beneath her dripping hands.

Sighing I gaze around the room, finding the teenager behind the counter scooping ice-cream for a young child, as his twin brother can't make up his mind on which one he wants. He rushes to the sides of the glass container as his brows furrow with all the choices. His mother chuckles, while the pimple faced teenager sighs as he looks down, not paying attention to the family.

"Sweetie what about sherbet? It's always been your favorite and your brother seems to like it." His mother gently pushes her son in a loving tone. His brother comes up to his twins side and shoves the ice-cream in his face. "Taste." He orders smiling, as his pink tongue darts out to lick the ice cream. "I'll have the sher-sherbert." He states proudly.

Looking back at Cara, I see she has finished her ice-cream cone, her face pulled into a very noticeable frown as she glances at her shirt. Her white shirt now had a huge brown stain covering the front of it. Making it very noticeable that she had eaten her ice cream in a haste.

"Cara I told you not to spill before we got here." I sigh grabbing the left over napkins and blotting the chocolate stain. "Sorry Letta." She apologizes as her caramel eyes fill with tears, daring to spill over. Grabbing my cup of ice cream I toss what's left of the leftovers into the trash before grasping Cara's petite hand and walking out the glass door to my car.

Opening the back door of my car I help Cara climb in and strap her into her booster seat. Shutting the door I walk over to the drivers side, suddenly I get a slight breeze on the back of my neck and the feeling of eyes on me. Turning around I glance around at my surroundings before catching a slight glimpse of a yellow glow. Straining my eyes slightly I peer at the forest of trees watching as the light disappeared. Climbing in the car and buckling in, I turn on the radio to a low hum. It was probably just some fireflies.

Putting the car in reverse I back out of the parking spot and turn into the tranquil streets.


"Hey Scarlett, could you do the dishes please?" My fatigued mother asks as she walks into the kitchen with damp hair.

"Sure." I smile at her as I go to the sink and turn on the water beginning the task.

My mother has been working two shifts at the hospital, ever since my father died last winter. She's been coming home late for weeks now, thats why I've been taking care of Cara for so long. I took the role of being her guardian due to my mom never being home. It's not her fault that she can't look over Mason, Cara or I, we need money, and one job just doesn't cut it. Mason's my 15-year-old brother, he took it pretty hard when dad died. Always coming home late, picking fights with Cara and I, skipping school and yelling at mom. At a youthful age of five Cara didn't understand why she never saw dad. But after some understanding, she gave up on the idea.

"Letta, will you play dollies with me please?" Cara asks me holding a brunette doll in front of my face. Wiping my hands on a hand towel beside the sink, I squat down to her hight and smile. "Sure, let me just finish up here and I'll be in your room in five minutes."

"Okay! I need to set up anyway." She squeals as she rushes to her room to get the dolls set up.

Looking out the window I smile, currently its fall. My favorite season. It always reminds me of when my dad would take Mason and I to go pumpkin picking before Cara was born.

Walking into Cara's small room I sit down and pick up the brunette doll that had been set up for me, along with a sparkly pink top and a denim skirt.

Carefully putting the outfit on the doll I scoot closer to Cara and smile at her. She smiles back at me, showing her slightly crooked teeth as she instructs me on what to do.


After being bossed around on how to talk, move and dress I finally gave up on playing dolls. Tucking Cara in I turn on her night light beside her door and shut off her lights.

"Night Cara." I smile to her, making her yawn slightly. "Night Letta." She replies back at me before I shut the door and turn to make my way down the hallway.

Strolling up to Mason's door, I make a fist and knock lightly on his door.

"Mason?" I question lightly as I open the agar door to his bedroom.

"What the hell do you want Scarlett?" He hisses at me. Finding him laying on his bed, his laptop on his lap. His eyes trained on me as I peek my head through the slight opening of the door.

"I was just wondering what you were doing." I sigh shaking my head slightly.

"Well, screw off and stay out of my business." He yells at me slamming the screen of his computer and putting it on the floor next to his bed. He climbs under the covers and flips so his back is faced to me.

"Night Mase." I voice, turning around and shutting the door.

I strip my body of my shirt, and jeans before replacing it with a baggy T-shirt and shorts. Walking over to my window I open it slightly and peer outside. As I gaze out the window I find two yellow lights gleaming in the darkness starring straight at me.


First chapter! Seriously how many times can I mention ice-cream in one chapter? I hope you like this chapter cause there's more to come! Thank you so much for reading.

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