Chapter 3: A White Middlemist Camellia

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I had woken up at 6:03 in the morning. My room at a chilly tempter as I wake, stumbling to lock the window in my bedroom as sleep still covers my body. Small wet droplets cascade through the window screen, and plunge onto my skin.

Opening the door to my bedroom, I walk down the hallway to the bathroom, where I strip from my clothes and turn on the water. Plugging the drain I wait for the tub to fill while I tie my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head. I stick my foot into the tub, testing the water before I slide my whole body in.

Sitting in an up-right position in the tub, I grab the shampoo and squeeze a quarter sized dollop in the palm of my hand. I massage the product into the base of my scalp, submerging into the lukewarm water, I shut my eyes and massage my head, removing the shampoo.

The clatter of a pan, coming from the kitchen has me up from the tub in seconds. I grab a towel and wrap it tightly around my body before pulling the drain, and walking to the kitchen.

"Mase?" I question finding the brunette boy standing by the stove with a pot in his hands.

He glares at me, making me take a step back from his intense gaze. "What? Go away I don't need your help, I can make my own damn eggs." He hisses at me, his eyes turning a dark shade of brown.

"Sorry-" I whisper, grasping the towel tighter to my chest, small droplets cascading down from my damp hair onto the floor creating a small pool of water where I'm standing. "I was just making sure you were okay."


Squeezing the handle of the spray bottle, the contents inside are suddenly spread on the table in front of me. Whipping the white cloth over the table, in a circle 8 motion, I sweep the contents into a plastic bin next to my feet.

Grabbing the bin, I push through the metal swinging doors into the kitchen. "Scarlett, can you get table five for me?" Taylor; my co-worker asks me as she swings around the wooden table.

"Sure," I answer placing the bin beside the sink and grabbing my black apron hanging on the wall.

Walking through the crowded restaurant, I walk over to the table where a tall man is planted. His blonde hair hanging in his eyes as he scans the menu, looking over all his choices.

"Hello, welcome to wildflower. My name's Scarlett and I'll be your waitress today, how may I help you?" I smile at the man, his head still looking at the menu as he speaks; "What's the soup of the day?" He questions flipping the page of the menu.

"Tomato bisque Sir," I answer shortly and rehearsed.

He closes the menu and looks up. I gasp slightly as I look into his eyes, a color as blue as the ocean meets mine. "I'll take that." He smiles, his white teeth shining as he hands me his menu, which I take and race back into the kitchen.

"One tomato bisque please," I say to the chef, which he returns with a quick nod getting back to his work.

Tying my hair up, I wipe my sweaty palms on my apron before grabbing the cup of soup and slide back into the dining room.

He sits with his back to me, a sleek black phone pressed against his ear as his chuckles boast throughout the quiet dining room.

"Here you go, sir." I smile at him, he looks up and meets my eyes. His face turned up into a grin, I presume due to the funny thing the person on the other line had told him.

"Thank you," He mouths before returning back to his phone call.


I return home around 5 o'clock to an empty house. My mother gone to work, Mason who knows where, and Carleigh hanging out with my grandmother for the next two days.

Walking into the kitchen, I grab a cup from the cupboard and fill it with water. I shift from one foot to the other, growing impatient with the slow tap. Giving up I fill the cup up half way and head to my bedroom.

I turn on the light and set my cup on the wooden bedside table. Opening up the window I let the cool air freeze my room as I take off my clothes and grab some pajamas. I turn on the cheap TV, before going into the bathroom and brushing my teeth.

Returning to my bedroom, I shut off the light and climb into bed. Letting sleep overtake my body.

The ringing of the doorbell wakes me. I sit up, throwing off the blankets still in a daze. Walking down the hallway, I stop next to Mason's room. The light off, no one in the messy bed. Walking down the remainder of the hall, I reach the door. Looking through the peephole, the dim lights of the street cascade shadows down the neighborhood street. Sighing I open the door and look around, no one there.

Looking down I find a bouquet of flowers. The outside petals wrapped around the stem gently, almost like a shield protecting the inside of the flower. The leaf's of the flower a white shade, resembling snow.

Bending down I reach for the flower, picking a flower from the bouquet. Twirling the flower around in my fingers, a sudden sharp pain shoots through the tip of my fingertip. Tiny drops of blood trickle from my finger onto the flower petals, staining it a dark crimson color. Grabbing the remaining bouquet, I run to the trash and toss the flowers in.

Tears pricking my eyes as I walk to the sink and turn on the cold tap and run my finger under the water. I look away, the sight of blood making me cringe. Drying off my finger. Another ring at the door has me shaking, as I slowly make my way over. I gaze down at the concrete flooring, a small white slip of paper is placed where the flowers were. Every nerve in my body is telling me to run, leave the note and retreat to the safety of my room. Against my better judgment I reach down and grab the note, sliding my fingers over the thick paper, a dark red wax seal covering most of the white paper. The emblem printed on the seal was of a giant dog - or wolf, it was hard to tell in the dim light. Pulling back the seal I open the note and close my eyes taking a deep breath, I open them and gaze at the words. In the most beautiful calligraphy handwriting the note read:

You have failed the first test, fail another and I will have no choice but to take measures into my own hands.

I'll deliver something tomorrow, and this time try not to throw it away kitten.

Enjoy the gifts.

- G


That chapter sucked, it took me so long to write and I just kinda gave up at the end oops. Hopefully, it will be better in the next chapter. I know I say that every time lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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