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It was cold today, odd really it's supposed to be spring. Today is a big day for me, I have to build my pirate ship after school. I decided to put on my favorite hoodie, it's Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, you know the funny dude! I always bring one plush a day, most of the time they get sick somehow. I know I sound crazy but it's who I am. None of the teachers quite understand me either, I listen but my head is always in the what ifs. What if a huge dragon came out of nowhere? What if the clouds decided to walk? What if the teacher turned into an animal! It's not my fault really, I love paying attention and learning but what am I going to do with angles and some weird combination of hydrogen and helium? I wanna write, sense what I tell people sounds crazy and maybe if I write it they'll listen.

       I picked up my axolotl plush, axolotls are like lizards but they live underwater, their name is Bubble but instead of B's it's P's. Originally the name came from my friend's Axolotl, they didn't name it I did they named it something stupid and normal like Kai. Who names an animal something you'd name a baby? Weird right?

      I started walking outside with two things on my mind; what am I going to do today and what will happen. The bus should've been here by now. I start daydreaming. What happens if the bus had legs and it just walked away with everyone? I giggle out loud, it's quite pathetic really I talk to myself too much.

     "Hello Ollie, looks like you're not the one late this time! It's me!" Ken the bus driver babbles about, Kens a weird name right? Or am I just odd?

      "Yeah, I guess I'm lucky this time." I said tiredly, I don't like talking too Mr. Ken; he always talks about the fact I bring a plush and how it's not normal. Like be quiet you braggadocio, we get that you had an amazing childhood because you were "normal" I didn't know you cared about my well-being he always brags about how his school was so much better. Way too go genius!

       The bus is quite slow today, maybe it's because he's boasting and blabbering about how he had a high IQ as a 8th grader, it probably all burnt out because of his loud irksome mouth. I shouldn't be so mean to him, maybe he didn't get the word "No" as much as a child. The sky was quite gruesome, it looked as if someone important died today. The clouds looked like dragons, as if they were following and waiting for me to play fire with them. Play fire doesn't require me to burn myself, it's a game I made up. You grab two sticks and try to dodge the dragon's breath; well I guess you could say it is a bit dangerous and I should be more gingerly about it.

      The drive was about 1 hour, and I usually am sitting in the back of the bus. I'm usually late to class because some people find it funny to push me back when I'm trying to get to my classes. They make up stupid excuses like "Im so small" or "My bad I didn't see you" I'm the only one in this school who wears a hoodie based on Pirates of the Caribbean. I usually extricate myself somehow so I'm not really complaining.

      First and second period were lame, all we talked about was some weird way to find a solution to b plus seven b equals whatever; in the second period we talked about waves. What am I gonna do with waves? Talk about how sound can go through water and not space? Who's gonna get excited about that, I'm quite lackadaisical about it.

       "Oh hey Ollie!" Aurora exclaimed, Aurora is my best friend; the one with the axolotl. She's so crazy, one time she told me a story about how she was at a park and she took pictures of a dead rat. It was funny, believe me. She kind of just assimilates into the population, she only lets herself out when she's around me. The teachers think she's all bright and cheerful I bet, and I mean she is but if you give her a bad time she really whips up a storm! She has all A's in her classes, but she tells me so much about how she has so much pressure put onto her just for a teacher to smile or her parents. It's ridiculous, I mean I usually get B's and C's but teachers don't really notice those kids often.

       "Hi Aurora, How have you been doing since school was out?" I said quietly. I'm not much of a talker really, I love speaking but I don't wanna talk over people.

       "I've been okay, my dad is being stupid though. He doesn't like my eighty four in math; he wants me to be better." Aurora spoke tiredly. I wondered if she got yelled at, its always when she doesn't get a ninety or above shes instantly stupid. That's what I hate about grades sometimes, there's always pressure put onto you just for a grade you won't remember in twelve years. I mean they're important but teachers make it so difficult and especially parents.

       "Oh, so the usual eh?" I was quite tired and inane today so I said that sarcastically. The look on her face made it seem like I was actually meaning it that way.

       "Oh Ollie, You're always in your head why don't you fly out of it and stand on Earth just for me." Aurora spoke in a banter. She always hates it when I'm looking at something else wondering if it could fly. Why would I wanna stay here? Being in the clouds sounds way better than this desolate barren Earth. No one thinks like me.

       "I'm sorry, I was just thinking what it would be like if you could walk on clouds." I exclaimed.

       "Ollie, that's not real. You have to realize that you're not living in a fantasy world with dragons and cupcakes. You're in eighth grade Ollie, you're almost a sophomore, get a grip okay?" She said desperately. I didn't really understand what she said. Why do I have to be normal? Maybe being in my own world is useful. She ran to class, I really wanted to skip classes today and just draw. Teachers hate when I draw in class but it's not my fault.

       It's now the last period, gym. Worst part of the day. Imagine getting a football engraved into your head and eventually getting knocked out. That's what happened before school got out, it was the worst thing possible.

       "Hey dingus! What do you have today huh?" Josh said dumbfoundedly. Josh is the one that threw the football at my head, he never gets in trouble either; blames it on his aim. Just your casual highschool pretty boy with at least 6 girlfriends.

       "Why do you care?" I said irritatingly. I wasn't excited about where this was going.

       "That pink thing in your hand, give it to me or I'll show everyone your funny wrists." Josh exclaimed with charm. His girlfriend was watching him, she's a redhead. I don't know much about her but when she finds out about how her boyfriend just likes women for their looks she's gonna cry and she might flood her room.

       Josh grabbed hold of my axolotl,"Give it back you mouth breather!" I said in a rush. I didn't think twice about it. It just fled my mouth.

       "What did you call me? I'm gonna beat the daylights out of you boy." He said without grace. He started grinding his teeth like Orcs, Orcs are from Lord of the Rings. He pinned me up against the wall and started punching my head against the wall.

       "I–I didn't mean to!" I could barely even get those words out my mouth, I felt as if I was gonna pass out. The bell rang before he could get another hit out of me. I could barely see but people were taking photos and videos I bet. I layed there, anxiously trembling. Aurora might have already left assuming I was already on the bus.

       I got up as quickly as I could, barely holding my eyes open. My head was so heavy from his careless punches. I just wanted to sleep. Everything was blurry and it seemed like I was walking through one of those tunnels in fairs, the ones that spin. I quickly got over to the bus in time.

       "You alright boy?" Mr. Ken said in awe. As if he cared, my face probably looked like a huge pepperoni.

       "I'm fine, I fell off my desk." I expressed with fake optimism. I never ever liked faking it, but what would Mr. Ken do? Laugh and explain how he could've prevented it? I limped away to the end of the bus, everyone's eyes laid on me as if they were cutting into my skin. It made me want to run away.

       I finally got home, it felt like hours in that bus. They took pictures of me. I figured maybe it's best if I stay home tomorrow and get fresh air in the woods. My mother was gone for work, I don't live with my father anymore since he was an addict and it made me nervous to be around him. I figured it would be best to fall asleep. Aurora probably is worried but my face burns. I couldn't tell how much blood was leaking out my face. My eyes start drifting as I lay unconsciously on my bed.

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