{Part Two: Crimson Flower} Chapter Twenty: Convergence II

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At the end of the moon, You rise to your feet in preparation for the day ahead.

Seraphine: This is finally it... The day that we're going to hear the truth from Evenor. Can you believe it?

You admit that it doesn't feel real no matter how much You know that it is.

Seraphine: It's time for us to finally get the answers that we've been waiting for... Evenor is going to be the person we need to hear from if we want the gaps in our past to be filled in. Chris has told us a lot, but Evenor... That's it. This is where it's finally going to come together.

You say that You will do anything that You have to in order to make sure that the truth comes to light.

Seraphine: I knew you were going to say that... Now, what do you say to us going to meet with the Black Eagles now? I bet they're waiting for us.

You nod and leave your room to go to the cardinals' room. Upon arriving, You find the Black Eagles gathered together around a map of the monastery. You ask why they are looking at a map of the area when You are going to pursue Evenor.

Chris: Our communications with the Knights of Seiros have told us that she's going to be heading in our direction soon. Evenor has done a lot up to this point, but they've convinced her to come towards us now.

Florence: She's going to be cornered when she gets here... And we're going to be fighting her on our own turf.

Zelhira: We can use the monastery to our advantage to make sure that she and her forces aren't able to get away.

Aquillus: I think we all know just how slippery she can be... We have to be ready to keep her here as long as we have to in order to win the fight.

Polly: Are you going to be able to fight with us, Hegias? If you would rather sit this fight out, I completely understand.

Hegias: No... I have to do this. It's not going to be easy, but I'm not going to let her get away with all that she's done already.

Herwig: In that case, I suppose we're all ready. We had better get in position before she can get here.

The door opens behind You, and Morgana appears in the entryway.

Morgana: She's here. Are you all ready?

Callisto: As a matter of fact, we are. I'm looking forward to this, let me assure you. I know it's going to be great for all of us.

Tuncay: Well, there's no need to wait now. Let's go and show her everything that we've learned since we last saw her.

You nod and leave the cardinals' room alongside the other Black Eagles. Along the way, You hear Chris murmur something to herself.

Chris: Finally... It's time to end this.

You arrive outside the monastery and glance around the area. You can see the soldiers from Evenor's group of fighters are closing in, and You reach for your blade before extending it in the direction of your opponents.

Chris: You know what to do, everyone. We won our last battle here at the monastery, and it's time for us to tip the favor of combat here back in our favor once and for all. No matter what happens, she can't be allowed to escape!

Polly: The Knights of Seiros will be here soon enough, and when they do arrive, we'll be able to combine our fighting strength to make sure this all plays out the way it should.

Chris: Until then, we have to be ready. To arms, everyone! It's time to stop Evenor once and for all!

The battle begins soon afterwards, and You examine the battlefield carefully. Evenor's forces have been backed into a corner and are pushing back against You and the Black Eagles with everything they have despite their minimal chances of success. Evenor is at the front of the group, though she retreats upon noticing You are present.

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