[part3] [very short im so sorry]

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"Omg! Y/N are you ok?!

Said a familiar male voice

I checked to see who it was it was Tyler

"Yeah I'm fine, I told him,

I stood up and went to find that pink haired dude but Tyler stopped me,


"Uh..this might be awkward and we just met but, I would love you to come to my birthday next week,

"I thought about it, ...
"sure", I replied and smiled

(Y/n)[mind]", why the hell did I say that???,aunt ming would never agree, she hates parties,

"The bell rang once more dismissing everyone from school, I searched for Mei only to find her talking to a tall ginger haired girl, whom was wearing a green outfit,

"Ah!, there you are, miriam this is y/n, the girl I was talking about she is my first cousin,

"Hey there,

Miriam smiled

Hi there y/n, its a pleasure to finally meet you,

As I was about to reply I felt a sharp pain in my ankle,

"Ow!, I yelped, "what in the-" I checked to see who it was, it was a plump short girl with straight black hair, she was looking straight at my eyes which gave me a slight chill down my spine,

"Abby!, Mei shouted.

Who is this?, the girl so called "Abby " questioned,.

"Thats my cousin Abby,

Tyler x fem! y/nWhere stories live. Discover now