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Y/n pov:

"Well yeah...I can't deny that..but I don't think he would like me back..I sighed sadly

"Nonsense!, he loves you!

"Thats doesn't really add up since he was with Trixie,

"And why would you let that brown haired hobo fool you?

"Fool?, she did what now?

"You heard me right,  she did.

"Ohh....then he isn't dating her?

"Well duh!

"But-, *phone rings"
Uh. Hello?

"Hi this is Tyler!

"Ohh hi Tyler, what's up?

:be sure to be here by 7 because I have a surprise for you

"Hehe, isn't it supposed to be the other way around?, heh, since its your birthday after all.

:yeah, yeah, whatever.

"OK, ok no need to be sarcastic.


Y/n: ohh shoot!

Mei: why?, whats the problem ?

Y/n: the party is in 30 mins!

Mei: ohh shoot!, we better hurry!

"At the party"

Ugh... we finally made it.

Tyler: its about time you came, look...stunning...

Mei: ugh?, ehem, stunning?, no. She's a frikkin goddess!

Y/n: Mei!

Mei: what?

Tyler: anyways...follow me.

They went in front of everyone.

Y/n: huh? Tyler?

Tyler: ehem ehem!

: huh?

:what is he doing?



Tyler: i have brought someone very special and important to me today..and it's none other than...

Y/n: wait, what?!

Tyler: you heard me...I have had a huge crush on you since ethe day we first met., the moment I laid eyes on you I know I found my one true love...

Y/n: awwe Tyler..

Trixie: NO!, SHE CAN'T!

: who's she?

:is that Trixie?

:must be..

Tyler: Trixie, I'm tired of you controlling me, you're very possessive .

Trixie: pfft, me?, possessive?

:he's not wrong though...

Trixie: noone asked for your answer Blake!


Tyler: i like her, and thats final.

Y/n: I- I like you too Tyler!, I thought you didn't feel he same so I...just hid it hoping that it would go away soon enough...

Byeeeeeee I'm gonna be dead for maybe a month 👀

Just don't do too much trouble.

Nad drink yo damn water.

Tyler x fem! y/nWhere stories live. Discover now