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Y/n pov:

"I was spaced out for a few seconds till

Tyler: uhmm...y/n?

Y/n: oh!...uh.- what were we talking about again?

Tyler: It's about you being my fake girlfriend for atleast a few weeks?

Y/n: what? Why?

Tyler: it's my stupid "friend" T̸r̸i̸x̸i̸e̸ is pretty much obsessed with me.

Y/n: you mean that girl with dark brown hair?

Tyler: ohh..so you already know her?

Y/n: no. I just saw her with you.

Tyler: hm.

Y/n: for how long again?

Tyler: until she leaves

Y/n: hm. Deal.

Tyler: wait really?

Mei: y/n!!!

Y/n: yes, now i have to go here's my number.

;Mei was calling me but before I dashed towards her I took a peace of paper from my pocket and wrote my number down.

Y/n: call me!

Tyler: what?!, I haven't even introduced you to her yet!

Y/n: thats not my problem😃👍

Tyler pov:

;I walked back towards Trixie

Trixie: so?, Where is she?

Tyler: she had to go home.

Trixie: oh what a shameeee

Tyler: what's gotten into you all of the sudden?

Trixie: oh~ It's nothing

Trixie(mind): now that your b*tch of a girlfriend is gone.

Tyler: ohh ok?

Trixie: is there any chance I could...you know?...have her number?

Tyler: uh...sure?


Trixie: thanks Tyler, and is there any chance we could hold a sleepover?

Tyler:hmm...I'll tell my mom about it.

Trixie: perfect!

Tyler: I'll invite y/n .

Trixie: y/n?

Tyler: my "Girlfriend"

Trixie: oh, no need I'll do it...tell me her address.

Y/n pov: ugh..why did he say that?! I screamed while flopping on my bed. "Say what?" I heard from behind.

Tyler x fem! y/nWhere stories live. Discover now