Chapter 1: Blood on the Battlefield

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As a child you were always told to expect the unexpected as miracles could happen at anytime and any place. Even in a life or death situation a miracle could happen. Philip Blake had been taught that lesson especially since the apocalypse began. There was several times that he had escaped the clutches of death to live another day, and even the emotional pain was another addition to his life of survival.

The former Governor of Woodbury had lost so much in only a small amount of time causing his pain to be more than he could handle. All of the pain had thrown him over the edge causing him to go to the same extremes that he would roll his eyes at on the TV back when there was still power. He never wanted to be like those people, and once he lost Sarah he had gained an understanding to how people turned into a former shell of their own self but it wasn't until the shit hit the fan and Penny had died which was what caused his ultimate spiral down into the dark pits of a darkened mind.

He'd never asked for such a fate, but he'd allowed it to get the best of him which lead up to where he was now. Currently Philip was straddling Rick Grimes with his two hands gripping at the man's throat. Rick's face was turning a bluish-red at the lack of air with his throat being closed off due to large hands. It was becoming clear that this might be Rick's last sight, and it would be of the Governor pinning him down in a fit of rage. Philip had now lost Meghan, who was like a daughter to him, and it was the very last straw that sent him far beyond the edge of return. With a face of anger and a jaw clenched tight enough to break a tooth, Philip pressed down harder on the other man's neck causing the rest of Rick's energy to flood out of him in one quick wave.

Right as the fight was about over the kiss of steel ripped through the Governor's torso with a sickening wet sound as it pierced through precious tissues. The blade of a katana poked out from the front half of his body which caused his body to arch back in agony as a garbled cry of pain escaped him. Michonne stood directly behind him with her hands gripping the katana's handle to hold it steady for a long beat before yanking it out. Another sickening sound hit everyone's ears as the blade was fully separated from the Governor's body. Immediately his body lurched forward as he collapsed on the ground while he gasped for air while Rick had managed to roll out from underneath him. Blood had pooled around Philip's wounds on the dry grass as it began to soak his clothes. With his hand gripping at the exit wound he couldn't help but roll around slightly as he tried to wave off the pain.

For once this felt like the end. This type of a wound wasn't going to be easily fixed or even close to the process of how his eye was taken care of. In fact this wound was a lot worse due to it having slices through organs and the blood running off his body in dark red rivulets. Michonne had spared him one last look before walking off after Rick. In her mind he had to end before he caused more pain and suffering, and leaving him there to suffer felt like a good punishment to her. As she walked off Philip continued to try and ease his pain by clutching at the opening and rolling around, but his body was becoming to weak to handle it. Now with him laying flat on his back and with his single bluish-grey eye having a hard time staying open the blurry vision of Lilly wandered into what very little line of sight he had left.

Lilly has managed to pick up his beretta before aiming it at his head. She knew that he was going to turn soon as she was positive he would. Philip had taught the Chambler's that no matter how you die you all turn, and despite all that he did she didn't want that for him. To her this was a mercy killing, to put him out of his misery. Right as she trained the gun to his forehead the sounds of the dead approaching wasn't to far off. Her index finger hovered over the trigger as her hand shook. With a saddened look and a deep breath she pulled the trigger for it to only make an empty clicking sound. "Oh, no, no!"

Turning on her heel there was no time to react. Her scream ripped out from her throat as the biters pounced on her only to rip the flesh from her bones as a fountain of blood spurted up into the air. The screams from the Chambler sister caused more of the dead to shamble over with their button eyes trained on the site of where the feeding frenzy took place on Lilly's body. Dragging in quick breaths Philip used the last bits of energy that he could muster before reaching his hand out for his gun to change the clip as quickly as possible. The process took several minutes as he got more light headed by the minute. All of his blood running out of him faster than he could even do anything about it.

Philip knew that he'd have to truly fight now to survive and the only chance that he had would be to drag his limp body into the prison, through their cell block, and then to the medical supplies. Forcing himself to flip over onto his stomach he began to crawl army style along the ground. The pain hit him like a punch to the gut with every little movement he made causing this trip to be a lot harder than he could manage. With the dead beginning to smell the fresh blood that followed him up to the inner gates where he gripped at the torn open security gate. He dragged himself up off the ground as he wobbled on his feet. All of the blood loss and pain coursing through his body making this process even lengthier than intended. Turning to the closest biter ever so slightly he rose his gun before firing off a single blast. The bullet soared through the rotten cranium as it sent a splash of blood mist out the back of its skull.

He was forced to reenact the motions a few times as he slowly made his way to the entrance to Cell Block C. As he moved he got a good view of what they had hit during the attack. Most of the front of the prison was crumbling and blackened from the blasts of the tank, but the place still looked a lot sturdier than most places nowadays. Touching the stairs with his foot he felt like he was about ready to collapse. His mind projected static as he tried to focus on what he was doing before he closed off the entrance to put his hands on his knees, press his back again the wall, and just take a moment to breath. The biters that had followed him threw themselves at the fence as they bit at the air to get a taste of the live flesh just inside the small enclosure.

Letting out a breathless snicker, Philip slowly made his way into the actual halls of the building. Leaning against the wall as he went he could feel his body threatening to collapse from being lightheaded. Despite the prison being fairly secured off, with the blasts they created with the tank the dead had a better chance of getting in now more than they had once the prison group tried to seal off the broken back end of the prison.

Getting into C Block he immediately shuffled around for any medical kits or any supplies that would help in general. With the whole process feeling even more lengthy than intend he stumbled across Hershel's cell which held onto a good deal of the medical supplies. Falling to his knees as he continued to sway back and forth he grabbed the one bag before digging through it to find gauze, rubbing alcohol, a needle and thread, a pair of rubber gloves, and some medical tape. Philip wasn't sure if it would work, but he could only cross his fingers and hope.

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