New Town

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Dear diary,

Me, Marley Johnson, am not a quiter.  My parents always taught me not to start something than quit after being sick of it.  I miss them so much.  My brother too.  Its been exactly 2 months after the accident and funeral....2 weeks since the last time I cut.  I can't quit now, I have been doing so good. 
Tommorows my first day of a new highschool called, "Gregor High." I hope it goes well.

   I close my journal and hop off my bed.  Making sure not to step on King, my dog, who was asleep next to my bed on the floor.  I heard knockings on my door, probably Aunt Marie.
"Come in!" I called out.  My aunt stepped inside and looked around with a look of disgust.
"Marley! I told you to clean up your room 2 days ago! Its a mess!" She exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, I've had alot on my mind." I said truly.
"Look, honey, I know your worried about a new school tommorow, but don't worry! It will go by just fine!" She kissed my forehead and walked out stopping at the door.
"And don't forget to clean up your room!" She walked away.
"Ughhh" I lay back on my bed.  I should probably go explore the town and get to know it better.  I've only been here for 3 weeks.  I haven't even gotten far out of the house yet.  I look at the time, 10:30 a.m. Perfect. 
"Auntie! I am going out!"  I yelled to her.
"Ok! You better not be using this as an excuse to not clean your room!" Duhh.
"Don't worry! I need to get out!" I yelled back.
"Ok be back before 4!"
"Bye!" I yelled.
"Bye" And with that, I grabbed my brown raincoat and leather boots and left.  I have my own car so I don't have to worry about borrowing Auntie's. 

Oh my gosh.  Thats the cutest little cafe I have ever seen!  "Sweets" it says at the top of the house. I must stop there.
After parking my car I got out and opened the door.
It was quiet and cozy.  Just the way I like it.  I walked up to the cashier and checked the menu on the board.  No one was here expect for a little old couple at the corner booth.
"Uhh hello?" I tapped the bell on the surface.
"Hello???" I tapped it more.
"SHHHH" I was shushed by the old couple at the booth.  Geez.
"Sorry" I said back.
I turned around back to the cashier only to find a tall guy with a curly hair patch on his head walking out of the kitchen door.  With a big plate of what looked like chocolate chip cookies. Yum!
"I will be there in one......" He trips along with the plate of cookies. DAMN IT.
"Second..." He muttered finishing his sentence.  Oh yeaa I should probably help him up.
"Oh gosh are you ok?!" I said to him running around the desk to get to him.
"" He said.
I looked at his arm which had cuts do to the broken glass plate.
"Oh crap your arm is all cut up! Wheres the sink?!" He pointed to the door.
"Ok I will be right back stay there!"
"Ok hah" He chuckled. Gosh his voice is so raspy and deep.

*Guys this is after she cleans his cuts* lol

"Uhh soo I never asked for your uhh name" He said.  I laughed at our awkwardness.
"Its Marley" I smiled.
"Thats a pretty name" He said.  I felt my cheeks heat up.  Oh no. I probably look like a damn tomato by now.  Not to mention we are sitting on a booth across from each other.
"Soo uh Marley will you be attending our towns highschool?" He asked me.
"Yes! I will be going in as a junior" I said happily knowing where this was going.
"Sweet! Well I am a Junior as well! I will be happy to show you around the school and town if you would like" He smiled showing his dimples. 
"Oh yes! That would be perfect! Thank you" I smiled at him
"When do you start your first day?" He asked.
"Tommorow!" I giggled.
""Ok me at the front of the school. I have a black truck, and heres my number" He got a pen from his pocket and a napkin. Gosh his hands were huge.  Wait..wut.  Damn Marley shutup.  He looked up and smiled to hand me the paper.
"Ok well I have to get back to work. I will see you tommorow!" He slid out of the booth.
"Wait! Your name?" I called out to him.  He turned around and put his hands together slightly bending down.
"Its Harry....Harry Styles" He smiled widely and swiftly turned around walking away.
"Holy crap" I muttered and slid out the booth. I am now kind of excited for tommorow. Thanks Harry. I smiled and walked out of the bakery.

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