So damn hard..

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Dear diary,

This was the very first day of school.  It was hard,  my social anxiety wanted to take over half of the time. But, Harry was always there to help me.  Harry.  I honestly don't know how I would survive my first days if he wasn't so friendly and caring.  After my parents and brothers accident, nobody treated me the same.  Everyone at my home back in Canada would treat me like a child.  They would call me things.  I was known for the girl who lost her parents and wanted everyone to pity her.  I was the exact opposite.  I wanted people to leave me alone. I wanted to get out of this world.  I wanted to..disapear. 
But this is Texas, a new place. I hope everything turns out differently this time.


I closed my journal and put the blanket over my body.  Today went great, lets just hope tommorows better.  I closed my eyes and drifted off into a infinite... better world.

"Honey! Wake up!!"  I heard a women yelling.  Oh crap.
"Oh Auntie! What time is it?!"
"Its 8:20! You have 20 minutes to get ready for school or you will be late!"
"Uhh okay!"  I jumped out of bed and ran into the shower.  I brushed my teeth while I was in there to save a little time.  After my 5 minute shower I rushed out and got out a pair of black skinny jeans, my white flowy crop-top, and my black combat boots.  Then I quickly applyed a thin coat of liner and mascara.  Lastly, I brushed out my natural curly wet hair and scrunched it with a bit of moose.  Finished.  I checked the clock it was 8:36. Wow.  That was the fastest I have moved since last year! I should join a sport. I got my leather bag and keys and left with a goodbye and empty stomache.  Oh god I am starving today.
By the time I got to the hallways of the school, I noticed nobody was in the halls.  Shatt.
I walked over to my class and peaked through the little window.  Oh thank goodness he is at his desk on the computer. I could sneak in.  I opened the door quietly and walked silently to my seat next to Harry's. 
"Where were you?" He whispered in my ear.  I got goosebumps immediantly but shook them off.
"I woke up late" I told him.
"I was worried hah" He smiled and pointed to the board.
"You didn't miss much. All you need to do is copy the notes on the board"  He said.
"Ok good" I chuckled and began writting. 
My period was good.  Wait that sounded wrong. I mentally laugh inside my brain. 
"So Marley,  I meant to ask you yesterday, but I was wondering if you would like to go to a party this Saturday? You don't have to if..." I cut him off instantly.
"I would love too.  Though just know I may be awkward and shy throughout the whole thing,"  I said getting kind of nervous at the thought of seeing people I don't know there.
"Great!  And don't worry I will stick with you the whole time, " he said smiling with his dimples popping out.  He's literally the cutest thing ever.  I smiled at him and continued taking the notes.  I am excited for this party.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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