You'd said you be there {Lewis Hamilton}

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Our house was filled with silence not a sound made by neither me or Lewis.

Lewis and I are starting to drift apart ... he's always too tired to talk or he always has something to do .  We've been married for 2 years and I'm afraid  a divorce is around the corner.

How did we go from not getting enough of each others to sitting here by our dinner table , where we shared a lot  of happy meals together...all in silence pure silence.

Then suddenly it came to my mind what if his y/n Lewis will never do something like trust him right?

The thought didn't want to escape my mind... it's driving me crazy.

" I'm going out with some friends you don't have to stay up " Lewis said the most iconic words that he only managed to tell me all month long .

He then left the table and made his way get ready for a night with his friends I guess.

I glared at the food that Lewis didn't even manage to touch .

He must be cheating...

I got my phone then I searched Lewis Hamilton rumours

Their was a lot about racing , then something interesting pops up a most recent rumor that his hooking up with Gigi Hadid

I clicked on a picture... that's what he was wearing yesterday, a photo of him and Gigi in a club..he looked like he was having the time of his life .... he's cheating on me ...
Why is he doing this I need answers..

A few minutes later Lewis got down the stairs and made his way to open the door..then suddenly I grabbed his wrist.
He turned and I looked at him,his eyes wasn't his usual chocolate brown drop beautiful was pitch black now filled with emotions I don't even recognize.

Here the man that I love is standing in front of me waiting for me to say something. But I don't know what to say , I hadn't spoken to him for so long that I don't even know anymore how to speak to him.

" Lew.. Lewis are you cheating on me with Gigi ?" I said in a shaking voice afraid of what his answer is gonna be.

" Where is this coming from?"

" Just answer my question Lewis?"

" No I'm not I'm just having some harmless fun with my I'm not allowed to leave this house without your permission now " Lewis said.

" It's not what I'm saying , I know you lying Lewis" I say.

Anger was now visible in Lewis face . Lewis turned around to open the door once again but I placed my hand on his shoulder stopping him once again.

" What's your problem y/n " Lewis said.

" Just answer me one thing then you may leave"

" Do you still love me Lewis?"

Lewis opened the door successfully this time and got into his car leaving in a speed .

That's how fast he wants to get away from me . He didn't even answer my question. What happened to my Lewis the one I loved where is he ?

Suddenly my phone started to ring it was a unfamiliar number.

I swipe to answer. " Hello is this Mrs Hamilton?" the stranger asked. " Yes how may I help you?"

Your husband has been in a accident...

Everything the man said after faded away

The love of my life is in an accident

I didn't think straight or asked much ... I grabbed my keys, rushed to my car and made my way to the nearest hospital.


I run in the hospital.

" Where's my husband?" I asked the recipient out of breath.

" Calm down Ms , Who's your husband?"

" His name is Lewis Hamilton" I said.

" Let's see" she said typing his name in the system.

" He's been rushed to the operation room , the doctors are still operating" she said.

I walked up and down in the waiting room .... busy losing my head.

What if I never confronted him , non of this would have happened

Why didn't I just leave everything.

I made my way again to the recipient.

" What's taking them so long ?, I wanna know if my husband is okay" I said.

" The doctor will now come see you just be patient"

" You wanna tell me to be patient.. while my husband could be dying on that hospital bed, you want me to be patient"

Just that second the doctor called

"Y/n Hamilton"

I made my way to the doctor

" Doc is he gonna be okay!" I say.

" Mrs Hamilton right?" the doctor ask.

I just nodded

" Mr Hamilton has serious injuries by his head and neck, but his fine my only concern is that will he ever recover fully" the doc said

" How do you mean ?"

" His not able to move his neck "

" What ! " I said knowing Lewis will be furious cause this may mean the end of his career.

" Can I see him " I asked.

" His stable now but he can't have visitors anything can happen" the doc say.

" Please I need to see him "

" Fine but not for long"

I nodded my head and made my way to Lewis hospital room.

I opened the door as I turned my head I was shocked with what I was seeing... He looks different..his neck is stiff , there's a lot of sores on his face and there's stiches by his head .

" Lewis.. I love you plz open your eyes"

" I should have never confronted you or anything...why now you laying here"

" Lewis my love please open your eyes do it for us " I said placing his hand on my stomach.

I found out a few weeks ago that I'm pregnant but I wanted to wait for the right time to tell him .

This is clearly not how I wanted to tell him .

" Lewis I can't raise our unborn baby on my own " I said not realising that I'm crying again.

" You said you'd be their"

" And ... I am" I hear Lewis say. Wait his awake.

" Lewis I'm sorry I know you didn't cheat on me ...Gigi told me" I said

" Don't apologize love we gonna have a little angel" he said

" Ya we gonna have a little Hamilton"

Lewis was out of the hospital in no time ... It didn't take him long to return to Formula one .. which made me sad I miss the early morning cuddles and late night conversation but I'm happy his doing what he loves. It was a tough road through physical therapy getting his neck back to normal but we got through that road together...


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