I love me

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I love me

Valentines day it's stupid and honestly such a waste. My parents say I'll understand when I find 'prince charming' but frankly that's not my taste.

Dating isn't my thing, I don't think it will ever be. I'd rather go out and do something for myself, I would rather everyone leave me be.

I don't want gross store bought chocolate or some roses that were made to die. I'd prefer to use the day to treat myself not to be disappointed by some guy.

So cheers to me and the love I have for myself! Cheers to me! The only person I need and here's to being in love with myself.

No one for me sounds perfect, because that's something I'll never be. No one for me is good because I'm the only person I need.

I don't need the stress of getting a gift for a man who doesn't seem to care, I have no intention on wasting my time on some idiot who needs to grow a pair.

I'm my own perfect match, I'm all that I need. Me and Me go hand in hand, I was made for me.

I'm glad I don't have prince charming, I don't want him anyways. Because who really needs to love prince charming when you have yourself to love on Valentines day?

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