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I sigh and plaster a fake smile onto my face like a construction worker putting putty to cover up a hole in the wall. I graciously accept the purple plastic trophy from the overly unenthusiastic intern. My shaking hands are red and exhausted, their eyes are beginning to shut. The little dancer dipped delicately into fools gold paint at the top mocks me with a smile as I blankly stare down my disappointed score. High Gold. When I die, drown me in diamonds, bury me in a tiara and make sure to tell everyone that I was a star. A beacon of light that beams brighter than the sun, absolute perfection like a cool glass of water on a hot summer's day, the ground I strut on turns to gold because I am a winner.

Well I was a winner, when I was six, 3'4, crooked teeth and a messed up smile. There I was in front of a roaring audience so loud you could hear it all throughout town. I stood short yet so tall, the best of them all. 3'4 and I made them all cower. I flew up on my pedestal so very high in the sky, not a bird, not a plane, not a cloud. I was a star. Gold medal in hand wherever the sun touched was my land; in a field of weeds I was a beautiful flower. I was 3'4 and there I was suddenly 6'9. A major threat, someone to fret. So incredibly small yet I held so much power.

In time though the power runs out, like Marie Antoinette I was kicked off my throne. Out of touch and out of time second place became my new home. Then second turns to third, and third turns to fourth, to fifth, sixth, so on and so forth. Darwin's theory betrayed me, evolution only made me worse. Desperate to be and eager to win I took the bottle that said drink me. And like Alice I fell down the rabbit hole and well. Suddenly I was beneath me. Obsessed and insane I scream and I shout pounding on the walls like drums. Only then you realize you're the issue and it's up to you to make it home. How to get home? Oh where shall I roam? Like Dora I call out for a map.

A wind suddenly arises sweeping you off your feet like prince charming. You're whisked away in a wonderful display, colors dance, glitter shimmers, the light is oh so bright. Then you're out, no longer shall I shout. The walls which once held me captive have vanished. I've broken free. The decimal number on a piece of paper is now meaningless to me. Because still I am a winner, I continue to keep my head up with a crown; even if I lose I win with a big sparkly gown. The sparkles dance just like me they twirl and spin and they jump. They jump so high we reach the sky but what goes up must always come down. Highs and lows wherever I go I ride them like waves yet I just leave it be. Because at the end of the day what's most important is that I'm proud of my work and that I'm happy with me. 

A/N: Hey guys:) This is a vignette I wrote for English class! Hope you enjoy

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