In the beginning

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They say silence is louder than a thousand words. And when your body is unresponsive, and you can not move or talk or even open your eyes, you might freak out a bit. Some say that our world started out like this. Dark. Dreary. Cold. Lonely. Imagine being stuck in a box. And that box was filled to the brim with ice skin-piercing water. Imagine that you were in that box. Struggling for breath, surrounded by darkness, and very terrified. This is how I felt after the accident.

"I'm Cara Heart. A sixteen year old girl who was just ready for a change. Ready to get out of the small town I lived in, and ready to experience the world first hand. I dream of traveling all over, seeing the sights, and meeting so many new people on the way. I wanted change desperately, but I know now to watch what you ask for. Now I'm stuck. Stuck with the new me. Stuck with this new life. And I'm miserable." I was in a strange room, with strange people facing every which way, staring at me with concern and disappointment spread across their faces. There was a boy, sitting directly across from me, sobbing. His eyes wouldn't leave mine. "Why are you crying?" I sensed a familiar feeling radiate from him. It was kind and warm. "Who are you?" I said, with a bit of sympathy in my voice. Who was this strange boy? Why was he crying for me? I wondered in silence until he smiled through the tears flowing down his cheeks. "Oh Cara"...


"Cara, Wait!" Stephanie called out to me. Stephanie is my best friend. She is a short, skinny girl with blonde hair and little brown freckles on her cheeks. She has the most beautiful green eyes. I've known Stephanie almost my whole life. We've always been best friends, ever since I could remember. "Come on, It'll be so much fun. You're always saying how much you want to get out of the house anyway." She nuges me on the shoulder as we are walking down the school hallway together, like always, to 5th period. "I really don't want to go, Steph." I sigh and face her. If there is one that Stephanie is good at, It is convincing people to have her way. "You know who is going to be there? Thomas Malancy!" She squealed. "Steph, he's a player and you know it." Thomas was well known for 'getting around' of school quickly. He was a jock, perfect chestnut hair, crystal clear blue eyes, perfect teeth, the works. Typical 'prince charming' if you ask me. Ironic, because he sure doesn't have a hard time climbing up the wall of every maidens house in our school. I mean really. A total douche of a guy. And of course, we have yet another victim about to fall in his web of lies and expensive hairspray. "Oh hush! You're just jealous because he invited me to his party and you didn't get a direct invite." "Then why do you want me to come with you so badly? If I didn't get invited." A frown creases her lips. "Alright, I'm sorry. It doesn't matter anymore. Will you please come with me though? I need some support and love from my best chum." I smiled and just accepted it. After all, I needed to live my life too right? And who's to say there wont be any cute guys there other than Thomas? Alright now I was pumped. "Let's do it Steph." She grinned from ear to ear. "Yes! I just knew you'd come around!" She chuckled and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "I'll pick you up around eleven. Sound good?" I nodded. "See you there".

School was finally over, and all commotion ceased to exist. I was home, at last. I drudged into my room, its beige walls and grey comforter very inviting. I sprawled out on my bed, not a care in the world. I let my mind drift to other things. What did I want to do after school? I'd always love traveling and photography, and so I figured that it would all fall into place eventually. I loved taking pictures. My mom said that when I was little, I would get into the cameras and end up drooling all over them. Gross, right? I turned on some of my favorite alternative music, and fell back onto my bed. I closed my eyes and thought, Why Can't I stay asleep forever?

"Cara! Wake up! Ugh I just knew you would do this, thats why I came early." Stephanie's frill voice came from down the hallway. She grabbed my sheets and pulled them off of me. "Come on!" she huffed. "mhmm.." I sighed in my sleep. "Alright girly, you know I don't want to do this, but you need to get ready. The party is going to start soon!" She walked to my closet and got the dress I had already planned on wearing. She put it on the bed and shook me by the shoulders. "Let's go! You still need to do your hair, because God knows what it looks like now." she sighed "I'll be in the other room. Hurry please." She said in a more serious tone. I yawned and stretched my arms, while sitting up in bed. "Okay, I'm up." I said, while she was closing my door, that was filled with pictures of my friends. I quickly got dressed and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at my flush face and touched my hair. I had alburn hair. It was unruly and never did go where I wanted it to go. I brushed the knots out and decided to put a little makeup on. I never wore much makeup, mainly because I was too lazy to do it in the morning. "Cara, we are out of time! Almost ready?" Stephanie called out from the hallway. "Yeah, one second." I said while putting mascara on. Grabbing my heels, I examined myself one more time. I had on a silver dress that sparkled a bronze when the light caught it. Stephanie was wearing a long red dress with black pumps. Just her style. I slipped on my bronze heels and grabbed my rust-bronze wristlet, and headed out after Stephanie. Little did I know, that what would happen that night would change my life forever.


Thank you guys so much for reading the first chapter! I hope you all enjoyed! Please give this a like and comment what you think will happen to Cara next!

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