Fate's meeting

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After a long drive in Stephanie's worn down silver Honda Civic, we were finally at the party. Everyone there already had a cup in their hand, either grinding with someone, or making out in the corner. The house wasn't as big as I thought it would be. Thomas had a friend named Austin. This was his party.

His house wasn't huge, but it was warm and inviting. His mother obviously knew a thing or two about gardening and landscape, for their front yard was beautifully decorated with reds and blues of spring flowers. Their were stepping stones that led into his porch, completely made of cedar wood, a deep brown color. It smelled like pine and spring air. The moon was full tonight, which meant fate was entwined and sent to help the people tonight. The light flodded the porch from inside the house. Loud music of lyrics that I couldn't make out were playing amongst all of the dancing. Stephanie went ahead of me, and I see that she was already going to get herself a drink. I felt someone brush past me, someone I did not know. How many people did this guy invite? It looked as if everyone brought a friend with them. And then that friend also had a friend that came. The place was packed. "Hello. I don't think we've met before." A tall voice spoke up. I looked right into the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen. Warm and brown, I could see a twinkle in his eyes.

He was gorgeous. Beautiful blonde hair that you wanted to glide your fingers through. He had a couple of freckles, but they were barely noticeable. He smiled, and that sent a warmth throughout my body. he had two adorable dimples on either cheek. "My name is Austin. What is yours?" wait. Austin?! This guy was the host of this party! I'd never seen him before, and so I was hesitant about coming. Now I'm very glad that I did.

"My name is Cara. It's nice to meet you, Austin." I said with a small smile, which was returned immediately. "It's a lovely evening, why don't we get some fresh air?" He replied with a gentle tone. "Yes, I would quite like that." I said with a sigh, as I didn't care for grinding and crowds and beer that much.

We walked outside, the night air warm and inviting. The smell of flowers was still very distinct. I walked down the steps of the porch, going toward the flowers to get a closer look. Austin followed me, his eyes never left my face. I looked up to see him starting intently at my face, which made me quickly look back at the flowers, blushing red. With that reaction, a chuckle escaped his mouth. It sounded like chimes. It was a lovely sound. "I take it you enjoy flowers?" He asked as he got near the flowers, by my side. "I do." I said quietly. A couple strands of my hair fell as I were looking at a beautiful Morning Glory. For some reason, this flower hadn't closed for the night yet. Austin lightly brushed my arm, getting closer to me. I felt the heat radiate off of him. He was so warm. He looked at me, and I quickly averted my gaze. His hand took my hair and pulled it behind my ears, so that all of my attention was on him. I looked up slowly, and our eyes made a connection. I sat there mesmerized. I could just melt into those brown eyes...

I was awoken from my daze when he suddenly came closer. My heartbeat raced. What was going on?? What was he doing? Did I have something on my face, because if I did that would be super embarrassing. Just when I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong, he brought his lips to mine. His mouth fit mine perfectly, like the last piece of a puzzle fitting perfectly. It felt so right.

But. Wait. Why was he doing this?? We just met. Like ten minutes ago. I pulled off of him opening my eyes, and he was sitting there, staring back at me. "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He said, his mouth hanging open a little. "More beautiful than the greatest sunrise, all of the colors in the world and everything else cannot compare with you." He choked on his words and looked down. No one had ever looked at me like that. No one had ever called me beautiful before. I was stunned. I didn't know what to say.

"Cara! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Stephanie called out in a slurred tone. Oh no. Here comes the drunk. "Had one to many again Steph?" I asked while helping my friend down the steps. Austin rose and turned to me and Steph. He said, "Thank you very much for attending my party. I look forward to future conversations with you." He grinned. "Thank you for keeping me company. Parties are not really my forté." I said with a sigh. Austin grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes, still with a smile saying, "Okay, then maybe next time, just us?" I didn't understand what he was implying, but I enjoyed his company. "I would love too." I grinned back.

"What was that about?" Stephanie asked me on the way back to the car. She wobbled a bit while she walked beside me. Guess I'm driving tonight. "It was nothing. Come on, get in the car." I pushed her into the passenger side.

It was a clear night, perfect for stargazing. Stephanie was fast asleep. I was driving and turned on the radio. A nice song came on. At the intersection beside our house, there was a blue car headed our way. I turned and kept going, onto a two- laned road ahead. In the distance, I saw a car coming. It was white, and it reminded me of a car from the party. Someone must have went to get more drinks. I kept driving forward, but something seemed off. The entire road was an eerie silence, except the two cars. Our cars got closer and closer. Almost home. I thought.

The sound of rubber came first. Then the tires screeching, and then the screaming. The car had come completely in my lane. At 65 mph, this is a difficult stop. Everything was heightened, my senses became more aware, and a sudden rush of panic sent me turning the wheel fast to the right. The white car kept going down the road, in the wrong lane, as if nothing was wrong. Meanwhile, Stephanie's car was flying off of the road. We landed into a ditch, but the car didn't stop there. We kept going into a nearby forest, hitting the first tree we came into contact with. The car suddenly stopped. My head hit the steering wheel and Stephanie was hanging half way out side of the car, something red bleeding through her shirt, where the glass was, which now is impaling my best friend. I couldn't even breathe a word to her before the darkness enclosed me and I fell into a deep slumber. The last thing I ever saw was my best friend slowly dying, covered in her own pitiful red, her lifeless eyes still half opened. Car horns screamed in the distance. I was in limbo. Alone and afraid.

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