Chapter 6. Real lies, fake truth part 1 (Investigation)

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I just woke up this morning and walked to the dining hall and only Miu was there.

Miu: "Morning, how did you sleep?"

Kokichi: "....."

Miu: "Only the two of us, huh?"

Kokichi: "................."

Miu: "Kokichi.... Yesterday I found the motive..."

Kokichi: "Huh?"

Miu: "It was in my room. It had a note and-"

Someone entered the dining hall, someone I didn't expect to see like this, mostly after last night. She was unusually happy.

Kaede: "Morning!"

Miu: "She's happy, is there something bad that's going to happen?"

Kaede: "You're so funny! What bad could happen?"

Kokichi: "Kaede, are you alright?"

Kaede: "Better than ever! I'm starving, did Himinion and Kore-f***** cooked anything today? Me and Shuichi are starving!"

Kokichi: "Huh?"

Miu: "Kaede, you know that-?"

Kaede: "Know that what? You know last night I had a horrible nightmare. The garbage bag and Shuichi died hehe, good thing it was only a dream! I'm so happy all 7 of us are still alive and well!"

Miu: "Kaede, it wasn't a dream, it was real."

Kaede: "No, it was a nightmare! Shuichi wouldn't die and leave me alone! He wouldn't!"

Kokichi: "But it happened. We were in the class trial just yesterday."

Kaede: "................."

Kaede: "Shut up! I only wanted to forget! WHY DO YOU TORTURE ME LIKE THIS?! YOU LIKE TO SEE ME SAD?! YOU WANT ME TO DIE DON'T YOU?!"

Kokichi: "I never said that!"

Kaede: "You don't have to, I felt it! So leave me alone I don't want anything from y-"

I ran to Kaede and hugged her tight.

Kaede: "You?"

Kokichi: "Kaede, were the same, I lost Keebo as well, I felt horrible and I wanted to die, I felt as if everyone tried to kill me because I was weaker. But there were people that didn't leave my side and I managed to get over it. Now you need someone as well, so if you want to cry I'm here for you."

Kaede didn't say anything, she looked down and smiled for the first time, I felt as if she truly smiled, not the fake cheeky smiles she does.

Miu: "Oww, hey don't leave me alone!"

Miu rushed to hug us but doing so she made all of us fall over each other. We all laughed.

Kaede: "Alright, that's enough cupcakes."

We got up.

Kaede: "We've been through 5 trials and 6 murders.....Will we find the mastermind?"

Miu: "We will! And we will end this! So we will get out of here..."

Kokichi: "And tell everyone the truth, we won't allow anyone to go through this pain ever again."

Kaede: "But first we have to end our pain."

'Sign me in.' A voice came from the dining hall's entrance. It was Rantaro, same as ever but he had a bandage that covered half of his nose and a bit of his lips. There was still a red mark in the form of a palm on his face. Did Miu hit him that hard?

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