~ barista problems [slight prologue?]

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i stepped into the cafe and walked towards the counter. the boy standing there studied me and placed down the coffee cup he was holding.

"can I get an iced caramel latte? oh, and a seasoned bagel." i gave the boy a small smile as he nodded.

"it's pronounced 'care- ah- mel', but sure. coming right up." 

the blonde looked at me and returned my smile- more sarcastically though. i sighed and placed ten dollars on the counter in front of me. 

"thanks," i looked at his name tag. "Nich? how do you pronounce that- like is it 'Neesh' or is it like 'Nick'?" 

"the latter. i need your name by the way." 

i gave him my name and walked away, sitting down by the window, near an old couple. they were talking about a college class from when they were younger- something like metaphysical philosophy. it was cute. 

a few minutes later, Nich yelled out my order and my name, "ice CARAMEL latte and seasoned bagel for Jessica!" he enunciated the 'caramel' saying it his own way. 

i rolled my eyes and walked back up to him. "thanks." i took the drink and bagel.


"it's my job, darling. now please never call it 'car mel' again."

"whatever you want, sir carmel."

he groaned and facepalmed. i laughed and sat back down, opening the fairly large chemistry textbook.

[right, so this is sort of a pre-introduction chapter? the next chapter will be a sort of 'intro' chapter and then the story will continue. enjoy! -  a.c]

ac is my final form as atlas corrigan lol

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