4. Bold of you to assume

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"Give the person to your right a hickey

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"Give the person to your right a hickey." Davina smiles at me while placing my hair on the other side of my shoulder. She makes a big show out of this because she loves the attention. And I just let her because I am a good friend.

"I need a cold shower after that." One of the guys starts to get closer to us but is stopped by Mason's arm. He doesn't even bother to look at the guy because he knows that his tall muscular figure should be enough. And if not then the guy really has a death wish.

I have no clue why he does it. It is not that he is good friends with my brother but he might be trying. It can't be easy being the new guy on the team with guys who are practically acting like a family.

"Brynn, you are next." Mason stands beside me with his arms crossed over his chest. He has not once smiled at me and it bothers me a bit too much. The guy screams trouble but for some reason, I don't mind. "Tell a dirty little secret to someone from the opposite sex."

"Come tell me a dirty little secret, darling. I am sure that I can help fulfill it." A guy with bright blue eyes catches my attention. He has been eyeing me the whole night. If I would have been a fan of doing one-night stands with random people, I would go for him. 

But I am not drunk enough to have that much confidence.

"You wish, darling." Placing my hands on top of Mason's shoulders again, I place my lips close to his ear. He even has to bend down a little bit for me because I am shorter than him. "I don't have any idea what to tell you since you can tell my brother. But I am also sure you don't really like talking to him either way"

He bends down a bit more and lays his hand on my waist to steady me. "I haven't hooked up with someone for months. I just really miss doing it sometimes." His face stays the same when I let go of his shoulders but his actions speak words. He holds my waist tight while clearing his throat.

If I am being honest, I am quite proud of myself for making someone as hot as him flustered by my secret. It isn't a lie that I have gone months without hooking up with someone. I am not a fan of meaningless sex. I have got my fair share of guys since I broke up with my first boyfriend but I knew all of them beforehand.

"Give a striptease to the person right from you." Mason takes another look at me before placing a chair underneath Landon's ass. "I have always wanted to know why girls are so crazy about you. I can finally find out what is so special about you." Landon lays his hands underneath his head and takes a look at Mason.

"Try not to fall in love with me." Landon is the opposite of Mason. He likes to tease people and especially Mason. I don't know how long they have been friends but I can just tell that they care about each other. "I can't promise such a thing, dude."

Mason chuckles while someone puts on a striptease song. His hips move with the rhythm while he is slowly unbuttoning his button-up. I am quite sure that all the girls and some of the guys are patiently waiting to see his bare chest.

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