27. (Not) okay

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The girls were mad at me for not doing something about it

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The girls were mad at me for not doing something about it. I can't really blame them because I am giving up. The board of directors doesn't care about our team because we don't earn money for them. We aren't like the guys' team that goes to benefits where they get money by just standing there and being hot.

We have to pay for our own equipment and it sucks. We don't have anyone who cares about us and I really thought this year would be different. I was so sure that since the new coach of the guy has been helping us that it will all change. That they would see that we are good and that we are worth the money.

But today they decided to cut the little money they gave us to spend it on other important things. This means they are going to use it to advertise the next game of the hockey team because they were so close to winning. And I couldn't even be mad because Landon has been so happy talking about it.

It just sucks that it has to cut our time off.

"Brynn, I think it is time for us to just protest or something. They are treating us like we aren't worth a thing because we are women." Most of the girls are waiting for me to say something but I am stuck on the bench. I am waiting for someone else to carry this weight on their shoulders because I am really close to just breaking down.

I want someone to just hold me tight and tell me it will be okay. Even though, it won't be because most of the team wants to stop. And I am not mad at them because I have been thinking about doing the same thing. I am always going to love soccer but maybe I should have gone to a college that would give me a scholarship. Not one that didn't even have a team.

Or maybe, I should have just accepted that I am not as good as I think I am as a soccer player. I didn't get any scholarships because I wasn't worth it.

"It is not that we aren't used to that. Men always see us as objects they can play with." I look up and see most of them nodding their head. "Maybe we should talk to the guys' coach. She might know an idea to help us since she had to beat all of those stupid men to get where she is now."

"I had to beat a lot of stupid men to get here." Turning around, we see coach walking on the field with her hair in a ponytail. She looks tired because of all the long hours with the team but she doesn't change her posture. She still looks powerful and scary by holding her chin up and moving as nothing bothers her.

"But as you said those are the stupid ones." She gets beside me and lays her hand on my shoulder squeezing it a few times. She gives me a little nod before turning her attention to the rest of the team. "I am angry, no furious, that they cut your money but I can't do a thing about it. I tried to get them to tell me the reason behind it but they didn't want to."

She takes another look at me. "I told them that I am willing to coach you, girls, after my hours for free. I don't want to get any money from them because I believe in you all."

"I just need your permission to start our training because we are going to show them that we are better than the other teams. I want to show them how good you all are because that is the best revenge. Beat them by being stronger and smarter. Don't get on the same level as them."

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