12. Dance floor

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I should have known that this would backfire on me

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I should have known that this would backfire on me. I don't have any clue why I decided to call her and let her know I became the new team captain. Or well, I do know why I did it but I rather don't accept that.

It is not that I don't want to try with Brynn. It is more of the fact that she likes another guy. We started doing this whole faking thing because she likes Connor. As much as I like to tell myself that she is feeling the same way, I can't seem to shake off the feelings she has for Connor.

But this fucking sucks.

Brynn is wearing one of those very tight black jeans that hug her legs amazingly. All the hard work she does for soccer is insane and you can see it on her body. I am quite sure that she is even better than me because she cares more about soccer than I do. And I care about it a lot.

"Are you ever going to admit your feelings for her?" Landon is holding a shot glass in front of me and I don't even know how many I have taken from him. I should really remember that going out with Landon is a hard task. He is a wild person when he does get out.

Who would have thought that?

"You seriously going to ignore me?" He starts to wave his hands in front of my eyes but I ignore him once again. My focus is only on Brynn who is dancing with her roommates like she doesn't care one thing what people might think of her. And she looks breathtaking with the led lights shining on her.

"You should give up. He hasn't kept his eyes off her since she got to the dance floor. I am really wondering what is going to be his last drop to go over to her." Austin might have joined us because Landon got too excited. He started to tell random people on the street that they are looking at the new team captain of the soccer team.

Not one person cared until he stopped Austin who he doesn't know. Landon has never gone to one of the soccer games because he doesn't understand a thing about it. But he promised me that he would come to some of my games if they don't line up with his. And there hasn't been a chance for him to come and watch me play.

"Do you want to bet on it?" Landon hands me the shot that I take without blinking. My high school years were wild and I have done way more than this. But it has been a long time since I had alcohol so everything hits a bit harder now.

That is the only reason why I called Brynn because I am too drunk to care about the outcome. Or well that is what I like to tell myself.

"No, because we both know that he will get her when a guy starts to play with her. He likes to tell himself that he doesn't care about it but we both know differently." I give him my middle finger without even looking back at him.

His laugh fills the room and some girls start to look at us. I am quite sure that I saw Austin groan when a group of girls start to talk about us. He isn't the biggest fan of female attention but I don't want to ask him why.

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