Bella, Queen of Draconians, and Jewel

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Name: Queen Bella, Bella

Age: about 35(at least in looks?)

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Race: Draconian(she is the only pure blooded Draconian)

Height: possibly almost nine feet- but hr wings can be used as extra hands due to the claws(and she can stand taller)

Personality: She is- well, a special cookie, being a hybrid between human and dragon, she will be and is HIGHLY aggressive towards anyone who tries stealing/taking her stuff from her, specifically riches and gold. Due to her dragon side, she is INCREDIBLY greedy compared to other dragons, her human side gives her compassion so she can be kind and friendly- but have to catch her in a good mood, if she's hungry or angry she WILL kill others herself if driven to it

Likes: Jewel(her wife) Chelley(her 'daughter') riches, being queen, being in charge/being right, eating anything human based, swallowing live prey, foods of all types(loves sweets)

Dislikes: being beaten in her game or beaten in general, harming Chelley or scaring her and Jewel, losing her temper out of her own control, humans managing to harm her(she underestimates humans a LOT)

Prey/pred?: pred

Weapons: she can mess with swords, she has a venomous bite and three scorpion tails

Weapons: she can mess with swords, she has a venomous bite and three scorpion tails

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Name: Jewel

Age: 34(?)

Gender: female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Race: Draconian(halfblood- she is the first to be turned and it had an odd effect, instead of getting reptilian looks/addons- she got bird wings and fox tails)

Height: maybe six/seven foot- (five foot human form)

Personality: Jewel is also unique, she is INCREDIBLY hostile towards others she meets first, but will soften up to them eventually- if Bella likes them, she tolerates them- if she loves someone then she will hate them horribly, she hates to admit it- but she loves her daughter, Chelley, she tries to help her with absolutely everything- without giving away that she cares for her of course

Likes: being human, Bella(her wife) Chelley(her daughter) being eaten by Bella(or loved she just will do anything for her) creating and discovering things, experimenting, Benjamin(her friend) occasionally(RARELY) eating people, only if Bella insists

Dislikes: being Draconian, her experiments failing, Benjamin, the other draconians, when she can't help Bella or Chelley, making Bella upset(Bella is VERY scary when she's upset) being harmed when she's human

Prey/pred?: pred(to others) prey(to Bella)

Weapons: she is a master with ALL weapons and different magics

Other: she HATES her Draconian form. So she invented a temporary 'cure', so she turns human for a few hours, she's happy and all too- but she is VERY weak as human too, however she will stay by Bella when human most the time.

(She keeps her tails and wings hidden, since they aren't like everyone else's- and yes- a crappy art of her-)

voice claim:(idk if it fits still- it was YEARS ago when I listened to this for her- xD) 'Moscow' by Grace McLean

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