King Coral

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(May update due to this being a quick post)

Name: King Coral

Age: Age varies- he was eighteen/nineteen when he was abducted by Tide, and was abouttt- mid/late twenties when he passed

Gender: male

Sexuality: gay

Race: a race called: BottomFeeders(at least what other kingdoms call them)

Height: he's 5'4 in human form and is definitely- DEFINITELY smaller than Tide in his other form(no specific size yet)

Personality: compared to Tide, he was the sweetest creature in the sea, the people in Tides kingdom say his kindness rubbed off on Tide before he had passed, Coral was known to help EVERYONE from his own kingdom, when it was destroyed and all his people/family was killed(by Tide) He tried to continue his kindness, but he's just one small prey surrounded by predators- so it's hard to help when all ANYONE wants is to eat him-

Likes: Eating Kelp or anything vegetarian related, trying new foods, being with his own kind to the point he feels like he fits in, Tide(after he finds out that Tide is just controlled by his dad) occasionally when Tide eats him- only when it's consensual/when Tide asks or is very gentle when he suddenly does, when him and Tide just relax or talk with one another, Orca, his children, Riptide, he vanished the day Sandy hatched from her egg)

Dislikes: being seen as just prey by everyone, being called Tides pet, being eaten by anyone he doesn't trust, anyone bringing up what happened to his kingdom and family, Tides dad, when Tide loses himself due to blood, being hurt/being called weak

Prey/pred?: prey(if anything is somehow smaller- he will try and eat others to keep them safe

Weapons: his claws are dull: but he has poisonous spikes on him- like a lionfish when he's threatened they poke up. But the only one who isn't Effected by this: is Tide, so he's basically defenseless against Tide

 But the only one who isn't Effected by this: is Tide, so he's basically defenseless against Tide

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#1: before he was abducted(before his kingdom is destroyed anyways) your oc and his were friends or lovers- but eventually he suddenly goes missing and his kingdom is destroyed-

#2: while he's married to Tide and they both go up to the surface for a meeting with the other kings(Thunder, Thorn and Ronan) and maybe your oc is one of the other extra rulers too!

#3: make it up!

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