Midnight and Crystal

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Name: Midnight,  Alpha Midnight- even 'papa'

Age: his actual age is most likely thirty or so- maybe slightly younger-

Gender: male

Sexuality: gay

Race: Nightwalker

Height: in his normal form is most likely ten or so feet-(or slightly smaller, like nine feet-) and in his human form, he just is 5'4

Personality: he is aggressive- mostly towards humans, hunters ect, but he can still be friendly, he just had bad experiences with humans, with almost all of the ones he's met(except James)

Likes: James(even if he won't admit it) being there for his adorable daughter, keeping her safe under ground with him, helping his own kind

Dislikes: being hated on by his own people, his daughter going out on her own, her getting lost and or hurt, being caught by humans

Prey/pred?: pred (but possibly Prey as a human)

Weapons: his claws, stitched mouth and the LOT of teeth in the stitched mouth-

Weapons: his claws, stitched mouth and the LOT of teeth in the stitched mouth-

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ame: Crystal

Age: Age range: 10-18

Gender: female

Sexuality: (questioning)

Race: she's a hybrid- the only living hybrid of day and nightwalkers

Height: (depends the age- but she does get bigger than Midnight- by q foot or two when she's grown)

Personality: she's VERY friendly to everyone she meets, even if she has bullies, she still tries to be friendly to everyone! She doesn't have many friends- only one, and that's a mindeater named Spotty

Likes: her friends she makes, exploring, being with her dad, playing with him when he isn't busy, making pillow forts, Spotty

Dislikes: being picked on/bullied by the other nightwalker cubs, not being able to explore away from the caves, her dad being upset or stressed

Prey/pred?: prey(pred to those small enough)

Weapons: her crystals make a rather high pitched noise- it's ability can literally blow up others heads- they also glow, she KINDA has an 'inner demon' like her dad- but it doesn't work like his

Weapons: her crystals make a rather high pitched noise- it's ability can literally blow up others heads- they also glow, she KINDA has an 'inner demon' like her dad- but it doesn't work like his

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