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My nerves got the best of me but I hit the send button anyways. Fuck it. I might as well have hit the deep end anyway.

K: I think I'm using this

I sent it trying to be cute but the realized I might be an idiot. No way he will respond to that. I felt my confidence drop but then I heard the ding back and I had to check my phone immediately. 

KR: Good. Drinks?

He actually responded! I giggled with glee. I felt like one of those stupid high school girls who just got asked to go to homecoming. 

K: 8 pm? My place.

Excuse me, but where was this new confidence I was erupting. 

KR: See you then, Kat.

I felt my stomach drop and I looked at the clock, it was 4:30 pm I had plenty of time to shower and get ready. Shit, but what would I wear? Are we going to stay here? or does he have plans to take me somewhere? Questions piled into my head and I went to the shower to freshen myself up for tonight. 

I shimmied into a purplish-blue dress and adjusted the straps to fit my body. I was nervous now only an hour left and I felt my legs want to give out on me. I sat in front of the vanity and curled my hair. 

30 minutes before Kylo will arrive I hear a knock on the door. I quickly move up and think maybe he came early. I open the door to see Poe Dameron standing outside my door. 

"Oh hey, Poe," I said surprised to even see him near me after the elevator incident. 

"Kat. Beautiful Kat. How I want thee" He hummed in a drunken state.

I wanted to vomit right there. He came closer to me and I could smell the whiskey on his breath. He clung to me. "Look Poe, I am about to go out, you should-"

"I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I can make it right" He hummed in my ear.

"Poe. No" I demanded lightly. Trying to push him off me as he started to grab my ass and place me against the wall. The door was wide open for any passer-by who was going to see this horrific event.

"I want you, Kat. I want all of you. I'm gonna take it." He growled to me. I felt tears prickle in my eyes and I knew it was going to happen just like it did when I was a kid. I had no way to stop him I wasn't close enough to any objects and Poe was really strong for someone induced by alcohol. 

"Poe please stop I-"

Before I could finish another word things happened so fast. I covered my eyes and heard the groaning of a Poe and then there was a low voice swearing and mumbling things as he was getting him off me. I then recognized the voice. It was Kylo. 

 Kylo was near me and then Poe was on the ground. Small cuts on his face and Kylo is visibly in rage. 

"Kylo, stop. He is not-" I tried to calm him down but Kylo gave me one look and I knew I should shut my trap.

"He was gonna hurt you. No one hurts what's mine" He growled. 

Suddenly the thought of him calling me HIS was making my thighs clench and my core warm. 

I never felt so wanted like that.

Poe was passed out on my floor and Kylo was sitting with me on the couch. "I have someone on the way to pick him up. He won't be a problem for you anymore." He said while holding the side of my face and looking me in the eyes. 

"How are you feeling? Do you want water? We can just stay here if you want. I was going to take you out." He smirked. I let out a small laugh. "We can still go, and I would like some water. I keep it in the refrigerator." I said. He got up. Kicked Poe as he walked by getting a groan from him and then bringing the water back for me to drink...

False God ( Kylo Ren AU )Where stories live. Discover now