Chapter 4: Returning the Favor

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Reshiram's POV

How could feeling feverish affect a fire type?

I've never gotten sick before, so I had absolutely no idea what it felt like. I guess I underestimated the discomfort that fevers induce.

I knew it was impossible to hide it- which was probably why Zekrom kept eyeing me suspiciously whenever I coughed or looked tired. I must've looked like a complete mess; eyelids half closed, slowly walking, sweating, heavy breathing. Even nose dripping. What in the world?

I did my best to avoid eye contact with him, but it was nearly impossible, as he kept staring at me.

I also felt extremely cold, but when I tried to warm myself up with fire breathing, I was interrupted by a series of coughs. I walked over to the stream and tried washing my face, but that made me feel even worse. I noticed Zekrom grabbing a Sitrus Berry off of a tree. He rolled it to me.

"You better eat that before you get worse." he said.

Well, there was no use in trying to hide it now.

I clutched the berry and started to eat it. Zekrom sat down next to me. I could tell he was surprised by feeling my sudden heat. I continued to chew on the berry while both of us silently watched a Goldeen swim in the river.

"You've never gotten sick before, I assume?" Zekrom asked me.

"Never." I whispered. It was surprisingly hard to talk.

"Do you have enough energy to fly?" He asked. I shook my head. I did my best to try to distance myself from him as much as possible- there was absolutely no productivity in getting both of us sick.

Um... Maybe that wasn't the whole reason, fine; but we're not gonna talk about that.

I let out a cough, with a short blast of fire following it. I shivered.

Zekrom compassionately stroked my mane out of the blue.

In a subconscious response, I punched him in the arm.

"Ow, what was that for?!" he yelped.

"I-I don't want you to get sick too, idiot!" I replied; not smoothly at all. I really hope that didn't raise any unwanted thoughts in his head.

The last thing I wanted him to do was kiss me. That thought sent shivers down my spine. Besides, I could never bear the burden of the taunts that the other Legendaries would inflict upon us if they found out.

Wait, what if they found out?

I cautiously looked around us. I didn't want anyone second-guessing or jumping to conclusions when they see Zekrom and I sitting next to each other. A sudden tiredness overcame me, and I felt like I was going to faint.

"I think we should head back... I don't feel like we should stay here any longer." I said.

"That's understandable. Let's go. Can you walk?"

"I-I haven't tried yet..."

"I'll help you. Come on, let's go." He stretched out one of his arms torwards me. I held onto it- and I did not let it go.

Zekrom's POV

Reshiram's talon felt extremely warm. I knew how terrible she was feeling. I had to get her back to the cave as soon as possible, otherwise something bad could happen.

As I pulled her to her feet, I could tell she barely had the strength to walk. To support her even further, I grabbed her other arm and lifted her onto my back.

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