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I stood on top of the Empire State Building and looked down at the tiny people crowding the streets. My black cloak waved in the wind and I smirked. If they only knew what was coming. I swung myself down onto the balcony, surprising the people around and pulled my cloak tight around me. I strolled down to the ground and looked around the streets. Any minute now. I walked through the streets, making sure to not draw much attention to myself. I heard a faint rumble and smiled. My army had come.
I jumped onto a nearby pole and climbed to the top of it. I could see the rest of my army coming through the streets. I turned into a raven and flew over to the front of it. Turning back into a human, I stood in front of the many warriors. The head general bowed. He smiled. "Evening your highness."
I smiled back. "Evening Blaze."
He motioned to the rest of the warriors. "Ready for your command."
I looked at them. "Wonderful." I purred. I paced around in front of them. "Our attack will be quick and easy. As far as I know, they don't have any way to protect themselves so we should be unstoppable once we begin." I gestured to the first group. "You will follow me. Everyone else? Follow Blaze." I looked back at the city. "This should be easy."
We charged the city and I transformed into a dragon. I led my army deep into the city, stopping anyone who got in our way. I climbed to the top of a building and turned back into a human. I held onto a flagpole and hung off as I watched my army easily infiltrate the city. I looked back at the skyline and saw lights flying towards us. I stood back up and watched them in confusion. A few people landed near me and the rest went down near my warriors.
A guy with bright red armor opened his mask and held out his hand to me. The center glowed blue. "I assume you're the one running this?" He asked.
I crossed my arms. "Who's asking?" I growled.
Another man in blue and red with silver stars stepped up next to him. "Call off your army."
I laughed and pulled my sword out of its sheath. "How often does that work for you? Just telling me to call them off?" I held out the sword and it lit on fire. "Yeah, I don't think I will."
The two men stood ready to fight and I stood my ground. I stole a quick look at my warriors. They weren't holding up well. I smiled at the two men. "Yes well, as fun as this was, I have an army to help." I waved. "Bye." I laughed again and transformed into a bat. I flew back down to Blaze and stood next to him. "What are you doing?!"
He groaned. "These people! They came out of nowhere! I thought you said they didn't have a way to protect themselves!"
"Last time I was here they didn't!" I held up my sword and fought off a girl with red hair. She pulled my sword out of my hand and threw it to the side. She kept trying to hit me and eventually backed me into an ally. We fought there for a long time but eventually the rest of the human warriors cornered me. I was pressed up against the back wall. I tried to see out, but it seemed like my army had retreated.
I grit my teeth and the man in red opened his mask again. "Stand down."
I was taken somewhere. I didn't really know where, since they blindfolded and handcuffed me. I was trying to think of some way I could get out of this, but they took the blindfold off when I was in a dark room. A bright light turned on and shined over a table. The handcuffs held me to the table. I groaned and waited for someone to come. Eventually the man in blue walked in.
I smiled. "Good evening."
He kept a straight face and sat across from me. "Who are you?"
"Hm. I go by many titles. Best Shapeshifter ever. Goddess of war. Queen. Your highness. I like your majesty too."
"I meant your name?"
"(Y/N). (Y/N) the great. I doubt you mortals have heard of me." I rolled my eyes.
"Queen of where?"
"Have you ever heard of Asgard? I heard it's Princes came down to this..." I looked around. "Place. Anyway, I come from a realm like that."
"You're not resisting?"
I laughed sarcastically and propped my feet on the table. "Not much you can do to me stripes."
"I don't know your name either idiot."
"Captain America."
I laughed loudly. "Is that what people call you? What a dumb name."
"I have one question left, if you don't mind."
"And what would that be?"
"Can we trust you?"
"Who's 'we'?"
"The avengers."
"Oh man I didn't think your names for things could get worse!"
"Just answer the question."
The girl with red hair entered the room and I spun around. I smiled. "Hey carrot top!"
She looked at me with disgust and walked over to 'Captain America'. "Steve, we have an issue. We need to get the prisoner to the cell now."
He nodded and I was taken out of the room and down a few flights of stairs. There were a few clear cells in a row. They all looked empty. I groaned and shoved the man's hands off me. "I can walk, thanks." They opened the door and I strolled in and spun on my heels. "Happy?" They closed the door behind me and I looked at the room I had. It was pretty small. Just a bed and an empty shelf. Wonderful.
I collapsed onto the bed and looked at the other cells. Something in the cell next to me moved and I looked over.
"So what are you here for?" The shadow asked.
I smirked and stood up. "I thought I was alone." I walked over to the wall that separated us. "I was trying to take over Earth. But these idiots stopped me." A man stepped out of the shadows and I smiled. "I know you. Loki, right? Prince of Asgard?"
He looked confused. "Yes, that's correct. Should I know you?"
I shooed him off. "Not important. I've gotta find a way out of here."
I searched the room till I heard the door open. Captain America walked over to my cell. I smiled. "Hey! Captain! Cap! Steve! Can I call you Steve? Anyway I've got a country to run and an army to command so do you have a time frame on when I'm getting out of here?"
He raised his eyebrows at me. "Don't make any plans. You won't be leaving soon."
I groaned. "Come on dude, I've got stuff to do in a whole other realm. Stuff you wouldn't understand."
He shrugged. "I guess they'll be without a queen for a while."
He went over a few other things and when he was done I collapsed onto the bed. I groaned and rubbed my temple. This was not good. My country was a mess as it was, and without leadership it would go to chaos. I needed to get back. I transformed into a dragon and paced the room. If I could break the walls somehow I would be able to escape. Maybe as a mouse or something. I blasted fire at the walls and it did nothing. I clawed them and bit them and fought the walls but it did nothing. I changed back into a human and groaned. I could feel Loki looking at me as I sat down. I looked up at him. "Staring is rude, you know."
He smirked. "I'm enjoying watching you try to break the walls. It's exactly what I did too."
"Mhm great. I don't care."
"I know who you are too."
"And who would that be?"
"The ruler of Betrana. Queen (Y/N), is it?"
I looked up. "So you do know me."
"I am a shapeshifter as well. Not as great as you, but I am able to."
"Oh great. So amazing. Did I mention I don't care?" I spat. "Just leave me alone."
I turned into a bat and hung from the ceiling to fall asleep.

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