The Burning Yearning of the beginning

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Chapter art by:
My talented Fren Ceo go
Check his art out!! 😁 his
Twitter is:ceoghoulishwolf
Papa, his Ghouls are riding on there
Year zero godly devoted majestic wolves ,
Who are there Protectors of them and the ghouls. They all ride into the forest and then hit up an area to chill and relax, Papa and the Ghouls are having a picnic with snacks and ice tea , Mountain and Dewdrop decide to have a guitar solo off and the other Ghouls cheer and then all of a sudden they hear a Shuffling and a shrill scream erupts there fun. The wolfs come to Papa and shrink down to normal sized wolfs and pawed at him. Papa sees the wolfs pawing at him and asks what's Going on Behemoth & Asmoddeus..? The wolfs BARK and signals Papa and some Ghouls to follow and the rest of them stay back. They venture to where the Shuffling still happening and another scream is heard and then you hear a slap.
Papa says to his Ghouls to stay close and that they need to be careful. The Ghouls and papa decide to sneak carefully and hide behind this huge pine tree. They look over to see this girl trembling in fear and her captor slaps her and she is crying.

Papa: how dare that evil force treat her like that we need to rescue her my Ghouls.

Mountain: Papa we gotta plan something quick before this evil spirit takes her to the depths of hell to torture her even more.

*Papa and the Ghouls discuss what's next and they go for it*

Dewdrop: I think I got an idea well distract the spirit and then have one of the ghouls use there powers to send them once they came and we can help this lil one out.

Papa: Sounds good Dewey, let's go quickly before things get worse we need to save this precious lil birdy.

Mountain: Papa your don't even know her yet and calling her yor lil birdy. Alrighty Papa let's go!

They plan everything and get there wolves , Dewdrop rides Behemoth and they get close to the girl and evil spirit and dewdrop starts playing on his guitar and the wolf loudly howls while Papa and Mountain are riding Asmoddeus and the wolf howls out fire flames around the evil force and Mountain stays on the wolf both standing there ground and dewdrop keeps playing and BOOM! Lighting strikes at the ground and then a huge red portal appears and sucks the evil force into the ground and it banishes the Evil!! The portal goes away and dewdrop uses his guitar to use water music notes to put out the fire and then stops playing. dewdrop tells Papa and Mountain to come here.

Dewdrop: let's go to the girl to make sure she's okay !

Mountain: be very careful she doesn't know us and could be very shy and skittish.

Papa: let me talk to the girl and dewdrop you come with me lil one and Mountain you stay with the wolves and we will be back okay!!

Mountain: Okay Papa, good luck you two, By hopes of Satanna She's okay now and we need to convince her to join us Papa she isn't safe out here by herself.

Papa and dewdrop thank Mountain and they walk slowly to the girl....

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