Dimensional fun!!

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Art by: My good fren Ceo at
ceoghoulishwolf on Twitter 💙
The Yearning Sun rises, you can see a pretty pink, red sky and ravens caw outside to let everyone know it's time to get up. *Time skip to everyone is ready for the day* The other Ghouls are setting up the table and set out plates and silver wear, napkins for breakfast. The head chef Ghoul is Cooking eggs, bacon while his servant chef is cooking the pancakes and pouring pancake batter in etc. in a bowl, starts to pour the yummy liquids in pan, adds some chocolate chips in it. The other ghouls are already in their spots and last to get to the table are Mountain and Dewdrop, Steph, then Papa. Breakfast is all done and is being served to them and everyone says there thank You's, enjoys breakfast. The other ghouls talk about their different Chores they have to do around the castle, while the gang they talk about what's planned for the day!

Dewey: Steph^^ what do we have planned today? it's been ages since I've gotten to go out and I think it's about time we do *giggles*

Steph: Oh, my lil dewdrop I got something planned I've been thinking about, but as long as papa is okay with it then we can go do it ^^ *sips her orange juice *

Papa: what were you thinking sweetheart.? *Takes a bite of his pancakes, then sips at his coffee*

Mountain: *finishes his last bite of pancakes* Oh please do tell honey I have a feeling this will be a fun outing! *smiles*

Steph: Well guys I was thinking we could go to the mall, go shop and have a snack, then later go out for lunch, then we can go to the park, get a coffee, talk about things, then head back to the castle. *smiles*

The gang agreed it sounded good, they finished their breakfast and left their dishes on the side for them to be washed. The gang walks together, they head out the door to the garden, call for one of the Ghouls, tell the ghoul where they need to go to realm of the earth to the Kaiserion mall. The ghoul drives them through the wooded area, then hits a button in the car which teleports them to the area, they are now in the parking lot of the mall. The Ghoul wishes them well and the gang steps out of the car, they head inside the mall. They go to look around at different shops, then they head to go to Hot Topics and afterwards Spencer's as well! After shopping they decide to have a snack and head to the food court. Steph and Dewey went to get some bubble tea and mini pretzel bites with cheese dip and Papa and Mountain got some Cinnabon rolls, some smoothies. They all headed to a table and pulled out each of the chairs to take a seat, put there snacks down on the table and talked.

Steph: Man, Time flies by when having fun next time, I'm excited about the new band merch I got for my favorite band Twenty-One-Pilots, I got some cool horror movie merch too! *smiles*

Dewey: I'm happy we got a set of matching hoodies with Wolves on them and now we can match bestie!! *smiles/ takes a sip of bubble tea*

Mountain: *takes a sip of his smoothie too fast* AHH brain freeze

Dewey& Steph: HAHA mountain man's brains been frozen *chuckles*

Papa: mountain you good? *smirks*

Mountain: yea Hehe I just drank it too fast, but this strawberry smoothie is sooo good *giggles*

Papa: I got to hand it to Ya this mall has lots to see and interesting shops here *takes a bite of his Cinnabon roll* mm delectable

Steph: Yep, and this is my favorite mall to shop at, since the other mall is basically a ghost town, and no one goes to it anymore. *Sips at the bubble tea* Anyways How about we check out the last couple stores, then head for lunch? sound good? *smiles*

Dewey: Sounds good Stephy *snuggles into Steph's shoulder/ giggles*

Mountain: You love bug dewdrop Hehe *chuckles* why don't you two go and have some fun! me and papa have some things to catch up on. *smirks*

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