Adventure through the Spillways

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Art by: My good friend Ceo / twitter: ceofloaterwolf  

The eyes of Satan rise up with a fiery sun sky, crows are flying out of the trees, and they start to crow, the morning day is off to begin. Papa and Steph are still enjoying the warm of each other, eventually Steph stirs in her sleep, her eyes open, she is being pulled in closer by Papa, she snuggles in closer, giggles.

Steph: Morning Papa *smiles* I hope you slept well...

Papa: I did, thanks for asking honey, I hope you did as well...?

Steph: Yes, I slept like a rock Hehe *giggles* I'm a light sleeper.

The two stayed that way snuggled in, then eventually got ready for the day. Secretly Papa doesn't know a certain someone has feelings for them. Steph wonders if she should tell her feelings to papa or wait a while because now, they should be focusing on their mission to elsewhere from interdimensional worlds. Steph got ready for the day and decided to ask her bestie Dewdrop for some advice. Steph goes to knock on dew's door and waits...

Dewdrop: *Opens the door* EE BESTIE!! come in! *Hugs Steph*

Steph: *hugs back* Hi Dewey I got some things we need to discuss...

Dewey lets Steph in and closes his door and locks it, and Dewey asks what's on your mind honey...?

Steph: Well since last night we had fun, me and papa got to chatting, we talked about some things, then we cuddled each other last *blushes* how do I put this. I think I got feelings for papa ever since u guys saved me and we got to hang out and get to know each other better i just feel safe and feel comfortable around you guys and especially papa I just get butterflies in my stomach thinking about him, I'm scared to tell him how I feel, I'm afraid he might reject me...*sighs*

Dewdrop: come here honey *pats by couch* *Steph cuddles up to Dewey * Honey you just got to be yourself, papa's been having too many nights at the bar alone and needs to stop that He's been so lonely and depressed I think he needs some company and some loving attention. I think you should go for it and tell Papa how you truly feel, if he says no then you know you always got me sweetheart. *Kisses Stephs temple of her head* *Steph Blushes* Bestie just know you got my full support and I'll always be here for you and mountain man is here for u as well never forget that. *smiles*

Steph: That means a lot my little dew bud *smiles* Thanks for the pep talk bestie also I'm hoping this 1st mission will go well, I'm curious to where we will be going.

Dewdrop: Same I can't wait to go and maybe we can take the wolves again for the mission it depends what kind of mission this will be. *chuckles*

Steph hugs her fire Ghoul bestie and says Cya around and goes off to venture the Castles hallway to find papa's room. Steph turns a couple hallways and then asks one of the Ghouls which doors down the long hallway is papa's, they said 2nd door on the left, she thanked them, proceeded to walk there. Steph knocks on the door and waits... Papa opens the door and sees Steph and gestures for her to come inside. Papa tells her to sit down on the sofa and she does, he sits down by her.

Papa: So, Steph what brings you here honey ...? *smiles*

Steph: Papa I have something important to tell you *blushes*

Papa brings Steph to sit on the couch by the fireplace to stay warm and they speak to one another and then she speaks her true feelings.

Steph: Papa ... *Blushes* I wanted to tell you ever since the first day we met you've helped me through so much, made life more interesting ... what I'm trying to say is I... I... have feelings for you papa, I love you for you and you've been such a sweetheart and so have the ghouls been too I'm so grateful for you guys. You guys are family to me and mean the world to me!

Papa: Awe Sweetheart don't ever be afraid to tell your feelings i also have some things to tell you as well... Honey you are the light that brightens my darkness, and you are the other half to my soul which makes it whole. *a Rose magically appears*

Papa gives a Rose to Steph, and she smiles, then Papa surprises Steph and takes a hold of Steph and gently holds her and goes in for a deep and meaningful passionate kiss. After the kiss they break apart and snuggle up and watch a scary movie before they head to bed, they are watching one of Steph's favorites John Carpenter's Michael Myers Halloween 1978 and having popcorn and Apple cider.

*Movie done and they are sleeping*


Sorry for the wait I had writers block and other things

going on in life but I'm going to try my best and update and write more for this story when i can okay! :) Much love my Lovely Fans! <3

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