The Beginning

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  A girl named Ava sat in a hard, scratched up chair next to a window. Ava watched the rain drip down the large pane of glass as she tried to sweep while sitting down. She had been cleaning all day. Ava lived in a foster home, but she knew that everybody who actually lived their did not want her at their home. There was a few other kids at the foster home, but they are only about five years old, and Ava is eleven so she gets stuck with doing all the chores in the house.

Ava laid her head on the broken window sill and stared out the window, only to see dark gray clouds and bright, purple lightning bolts shooting out of the sky. Ava's eyes got very heavy and then heavier, struggling to keep her eyes open, she fell asleep.

 "Wake up!" Mrs. Payne yelled at Ava. She woke up as soon as Mrs. Payne told her to. "You have to finish cleaning," Ms. Payne said angrily, "you fell asleep when you were sweeping!", she yelled, but now her blonde hair was flailing everywhere, just like her hands.

 Ava looked at the big, old grandfather clock that was sitting in the corner of the room. "But it is three in the morning, I am way to tired to clean right now," Ava said sleepily.

 "I do not care if you are tired or not, you are going to finish your chores, and then you can go to sleep. If you fall asleep again, then I will call someone to get rid of you." Mrs. Payne said with craziness in her eyes.

 "Okay. I will finish my chores Mrs. Payne," Ava said through her teeth. Ava's eyes were green, but then they flashed to a cherry red. Ava scrunched up her hands into fists until her knuckles were white. She took a big breath, and her mouth opened, but nothing came out, so she breathed out and started to sweep.

Ava finished sweeping and then sat back down on the hard chair and laid her head down in the same spot with the same view, except there was a dark green vine coming through the small tiny crack that the window had. Ava wondered how it got there. She never saw that vine there before, and there was no vines on the outside of the house. She fell asleep thinking about all the ways a vine could have got there in such a short amount of time.

The next morning Ava woke up to birds chirping. The sun was barely even shining, but Ava did not go back to sleep, she started with her outside chores. As soon as Ava went outside birds, butterflies, and squirrels danced and fluttered around her. Nature was drawn to Ava, and Ava was drawn to nature. Butterflies would land in her short, curly, blonde hair, and small, little honey bees would come and land on Ava's hands so gently that Ava almost never noticed them. Blue birds, red birds, and humming birds would all come to Ava and chirp so nicely. The colorful birds sang beautifully.

Ava finished doing her chores earlier than usual because her "sisters" went shopping so it wasn't such a big mess. After Ava got done with cleaning she went outside and sat under the short, cherry tree . All of the butterflies, bees, squirrels, and rabbits came flying, running, and hopping to her. She had the biggest smile on her face. She was happy because something was actually paying attention to her, she felt like she was wanted, with the cute little bunnies, the beautiful butterflies, and the colorful birds being right next to her.

Ava felt a little poke on her arm. She turned her head around to see what had poked her. She saw a thick, green vine, kind of like the one on the window sill she saw the night before. She ignored it though. The vine could've been there before.

Ava put her hand out, so the butterflies could have a spot to land on her, but the butterflies didn't come. Ava looked where the butterflies were going, and they were flying up. They fluttered there for a few seconds and then landed on Ava's arms, but not her hand. Ava was still looking up and she saw vines growing fast, way too fast. The vine was creeping down to where Ava's hand was. Ava moved her hand quickly away from where the vines were growing and stood up. She looked at the vine and then her hand for a few seconds and then she looked at a thick-trunked tree. Ava stuck her hand out towards the tree, took a deep breath, and focused on the tree. Ava felt a little tingle, and then opened her eyes, they where a cherry red. She couldn't believe it! A green, pointy vine was wrapping around the tree's trunk. Once the vine finished growing, a bunch of pink flowers were growing off the vine. Ava smiled and started to think of other things she could do other than growing vines. Ava wondered if she could grow other things too.

The Beginning A Witches StartWhere stories live. Discover now