he cheats (part 2)

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here's part 2💘 written in both Y/N's & Carl's point of view. hope you enjoy. btw the picture is for the end of the imagine x


Y/N's P.O.V

my throat was sore as I continued to cry into my pillow. I just couldn't get over the fact he'd done something like that to me and I still couldn't hate him. I mean i couldn't even hate her.

All I ever wanted was for carl to be happy and if that did mean that I was the one who was hurting then I would have to live with that but I still couldn't help feeling like it was my fault. Maybe if I was a little prettier or..something along them lines. He might have still wanted me.


my crying began to slow down once I thought everything over. I heard a knock at my door, hearing Daryl enter. He sat down next to me on the small yet comfortable bed "are you okay?" The sound of his deep voice made me think more about carl. Why was it so hard to move on? Probably because you love him, I heard a voice in my head reply but I shook it off.

I sat up to talk to Daryl, glancing out of the window as small rain drops began to drip against the open window "I haven't been okay for years" i whispered to him, not breaking my eye contact with a single leaf, which was attached to the glass.

"Thank you," I mumbled "thank you for taking me in, making me feel wanted after I lost everything but I think I just need some alone time" I paused for a few seconds "to think..about things" I looked down once the words left my lips before I felt daryl press a kiss against my forehead, exiting the small space that I had called my 'room'. I missed him already.

Carl's P.O.V

my head was spinning, all I've done for the past few minutes since dad left was think about her. I screwed up bad and I mean really bad. I can't believe I was stupid enough to let my princess go.

anyway, putting on my hat and pulling one of my jackets on, I began to walk over to the house across the street. I didn't care if she hated me right now. All I knew was that I needed her and I wasn't gonna give up that easily.

I walked up the white steps to the porch, knocking softy on the door. After a few amount of seconds, I heard the door open and was faced with daryl. I thought he would've beaten me up, yell at me or at least something like that but instead, he gave me a weak smile "she upstairs and please kid, don't mess this up" he mumbled, patting my shoulder as my feet carried me up the stairs to the almost familiar white door.

My heart broke all over again if it was possible at the sound of Y/Ns soft cries. It's all my fault. I'm such a idiot but I guess, I really have got try even harder to win her back.

I gulped, knocking on the door gently before hearing the sound her still soft voice "please d-Daryl" she cried out, however I ignored her and opened the door anyway.

The room was rather dark, all that was on were her fairy lights. She hated the dark so I grabbed for them on a run one time. "Y/n" I whimpered out once she turned to look at me. Her eyes grew wide and she cried harder, making me hate myself even more.

"Carl, what are you doing here? W-why aren't you w-with enid?" She asked, wiping her eyes as an attempt to stop the tears which didn't stop.

"Y/n" I muttered into the air, walking closer to her bed "my sweet y/n" i whispered, getting into the bed with her this time as my arms wrapped around her "enid really didn't mean a thing to me,I was just a stupid, hormonal boy who didn't realise that everything he had ever wanted was right in front of him the whole time" I spoke into her neck,nuzzling my head into it. "I mean it, Enid is nothin compared to you. Your eyes as so beautiful, they almost sparkle whenever you talk about the things you love the most. Your lips are always so plumb and kissable and well, your everything to me. I could go on for but we would be here for days. I love you so much Y/n and if you'd give me another chance and take me back then I promise I won't mess it up this time, will you forgive me?" I asked softy, looking into her eyes and before I even knew what was going on, her lips were against mine. It was as if everything was right with the world again and now I had my angel back, I wasn't letting her, never again.

I haven't checked over this so sorry for grammar and spelling and stuff. Also for the crappy ending!! ily all anyway and i hope you've enjoyed it :)

- a xx

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