imagine for alondra

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this was requested by Alo203 , I hope you like it!! 💘 x

*warning this may cause triggering*
I just wanted to say that if anyone reading this ever feels anything near suicidal then please feel free to message more, I'm more then happy to talk to anyone about anything. Remember that no matter what I love you and I hope you stay strong because you're worth it.

Alondra's P.O.V

I sat there, staring blankly at the wall across from me, I could hear the voices in my head. The we're telling me to just end it, that I wasn't fit for this world and I guess I believed them.

I mean, its not like anyone would miss me right. Carl was too busy helping out and talking to his new 'friends' and there no one else that cared about me here anymore. I've lost both beth & tyreese. it's all getting too much.

I walked over to the bathroom, clutching on to the small piece of metal in my hand. my whole body felt numb as I slid the small blade across the skin of my wrist once. The tears wouldn't stop flowing down my face and just as I was about to do it once again, the door flew open.

I was greeting with a distraught looking carl. He's eyes held the look of hurt in them and he gulped. I honestly thought he was gonna scream at me but what he had done next shocked me.

I watched as he made his way over to me, picking me up in his small yet warm,muscular arms. Sobs, rocking my body as he placed me down under the covers. He walked back into the bathroom and all I saw was him grab some bandages and a bottle of some sort.

Closing my eyes tightly, I waited for him to bandage my wrist up. It stung really bad but the feeling of his touch helped a little. I re-opened my eyes to be meet with the feel of his arms wrapping around my waist.

I turned my body to him, still crying into his chest but this time it was silent.

"Alondra," he paused, letting out a gulp "why?" He asked softy, stroking my back comfortingly.

I looked up at him, wiping my eyes and sighed gently "I-it's all too much carl, the voices and feeling alone. I'm fed up of losing everyone I love" i whispered, the tears flowing free again down my face.


The room was silent as carl sat there, just holding me. He'd down this for hours now "hey," I heard his voice whisper "if you ever feel like this again please come and find me alo" he muttered "you're beautiful and too good for this world, you cant give up now, you're so strong, maybe even one of the strongest people I know. I can't have you falling apart, I can't have you leave me" I watched as he closed his eyes as if what he was about to say would hurt him in a way.

"I can't have you leave me as well, you mean everything to me. You're what is making me strong and honesty I love you. I love you so much and that is why I want to be the one to help you though this. I want to save you, like you've saved me" he smiled faintly.

That's exactly what happened, Carl Grimes saved me.


Sorry this kinda sucked but I hope you liked it. Thanks for requesting Alo203 💘💘

- a xx

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