Chapter 3

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(Outfit is what I'm imagining but it can be anything tbh. Also the music being played in the shop is coming from my "birthday" playlist on spotify. If you want to find it, it's called "birthday" by caitymids. :) )

My first student's day! I'm so excited to be able to do this for them. I may only be a few years older than the students who are coming in but I know that I wanted a space like this when I was in high school and college. Sometimes, the library or Starbucks on campus was just too crowded for me to properly focus. Then again, student's day isn't as much of a focus day once it gets later in the night. I'm expecting party music to be playing, to say the least. Which is why older people aren't really allowed, because they'll judge the students for the music if they deem it "inappropriate." Like I said 'Cute Little Cakes' is supposed to be a safe space.

The middle of the day was the least busiest of course, since students were still in class seeing as it's Friday. But oh man when it hit 5 o'clock? It was like they placed ads on campus. There were probably 50 students, not including the 3 students I had on shift at the moment, in the store. They were all being pretty well-behaved, sitting with their friends, getting up only to order or add songs to the queue. I'd say it's been pretty successful so far, except the boys from the tattoo studio haven't shown their faces yet.

At the thought of them, I hear the door ring, "Welcome to Cute Little Cakes!" I announced with my employees. I looked towards the door, seeing the eight males I had just been pondering over walk in gracefully.

Chan smiles when he sees I've noticed him, "How's the tattoo doing?" He asks.

"Well not much has changed in the past four hours since you last texted me about it so I'd say it's just fine." I chuckle at him. A faint red tint rising to his cheeks at my tease.

"Looks pretty busy tonight." Felix points out with an impressed look.

"I think my employees might have something to do with that." I softly laugh, pointing at my three employees who are mingling with the students they know. I grab a slice of strawberry cheesecake, knowing Jeongin was gonna want a piece. He seemed to light up just seeing the slice. I smiled at him before looking at the rest of them.

"Was there anything else anybody wanted?" I ask them.

"Can we get two slices of lemon iced cake, four slices of chocolate cake, and two oatmeal cookies, along with eight waters please?" Chan asks.

"Of course! Let me go grab that for you guys." I quickly jump from the register back to the sweets bar, pulling each order out one by one. I bag the two cookies, and plate all the cakes before turning around and grabbing a couple waters at a time from the fridge. The boys passed out the sweets so it didn't crowd my counter as I got them, grabbing a water bottle as well.

"That'll be $30.27." I tell them, slyly adding a 10% discount to their order. Chan looks confused for a second.

"Wait, it should be about $34 if I did the math correctly?" He questions me. I chuckled at his expression.

"It would have been, but you guys get a 10% discount for your purchases for being 'students.'" I smile at them, putting air quotes around students since Jeongin is the only one who's actually a student.

Chan makes an 'oh' face, "Thanks then." He smiles at me, as he swipes his card.

"Can we also get your number while we're at it?" Seungmin speaks up.

I was shocked for a second before recovering, "Yeah, just ask Chan for it." I smiled at him. They all looked over at him when I said that.

He chuckles at them, "Let's sit down first, guys." He grabs his plate and water bottle from the counter, turning and finding a table for all eight of them to go sit. Soon enough, I start getting notifications on my phone.

Strip Chat

Jinnie 🤩
It's hyunjin

Lixie 🥵

Puppy Boy 🐶

Han Squirrel 🐿
Jisung hereee

Muscles4Dayz 🤌🏻
Changbin, hello

Meanhoe ✊🏻
It's Minho

Baby 🤗
It's Jeongin, but you call me I.N., Y/N

Channie 😩
I think that's everybody now

Hi everybody! Interesting chat name
but that's okay :P

Channie 😩
Oh crap
I didn't realize it sounded so dirty

I got it

Y/N changed the group name to Y/N and the Artist boyz

Lixie 🥵
That's cute! When can I finally pierce you.

Wow, getting straight to the point there, ain't you Lixie?

Hot Girl Bummer by Blackbear starts playing in the shop

Puppy Boy 🐶
The customers really seem to like this music


Honestly? I'm just playing a playlist I made for parties
And they add songs every once in a while but not really

Jinnie 🤩
Oooo she parties
Wasn't expecting that

i literally have tattoos.
what did you expect

Baby 🤗
not a party girl obviously

Felix 🥵
you haven't answered my question babycakes

well, i'm not sure when i can fit it into
my schedule. that's why lol

Felix 🥵

Channie 😩
don't berate her, she's got
a business to run

thank you channie
speaking of
i should make sure they don't
ruin my shop
i'm right here if y'all wanted to talk to me

Meanhoe ✊🏻
she's right

i usually am
being a woman and all

At that last text, I put my phone back into my pocket, looking up at the students sitting in my dining area and smiling.

"Hey Y/N, are we good to clock out?" My employees ask me.

"Totally, go spend some time with your friends!" I smile at them and move from the register so they can clock out.

Looking around the shop again, I decide I'm okay to stop selling for the rest of the night and put a sign in front of the register clarifying this. I grab a slice of vanilla cake with whipped cream and strawberries, plating it before walking over to the boys table, pulling a seat up.

"So boys, tell me about yourselves." They look up at me before looking at each other, seemingly exchanging glances.

"Well we don't normally tell people this immediately but, we're all in a relationship." Chan says to me.

A/N: bomb dropped. let's goooo. that's 3 days in a row that i've updated. i hope you're enjoying the story so far, writing the text messages was actually more difficult than i thought it would be, so props to the people who write text fics cause those are honestly some of my favorites. have a good night and stream "ODDINARY"!!!

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