Chapter 11

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We had finished cleaning and we were all gathered in the mess hall as I lay my head on top of my arms, vaguely listening to what everyone was talking about.

However, a loud crash made me sit up straight as there was a yelp of pain out the door.

I already knew who it was as Petra grabbed the wooden slot that barricaded the doors, letting Hange enter the room as she was rubbing her forehead in pain before grinning at us.

"Hello, Levi Squad! How's the castle life treating you?" Hange asked as Levi paused.

"You're early." He stated in a bored tone as Hange grinned.

"I couldn't wait any longer! I needed to see Y/n!" Hange said as she spotted me and immediately wrapped her arms around me.

"My, my, Y/n! Did you get shorter in the time we haven't seen each other? Have you missed Mama Hange?" Hange asked as I couldn't breath in her bone-crushing hug.

"Squad Leader Hange?" Eren asked, and thankfully that got her attention as she walked over to him, bubbling with excitement.

"Hey there, Eren. I'm in charge of investigating the two titans we've captured in town, and I'd like you to help with tomorrow's experiments. I came to get permission." Hange said as Eren frowned. 

"Experiments? What would I be doing?" Eren asked, curiosity getting the better of him as Hange smiled like fool.

"Something totally awesome!" Hange said, a look of creepiness washing over her face, making Eren sink back into his chair slightly.

"W-Well... I can't give permission for myself. I don't have that authority..." Eren said as Hange sighed before looking at Levi.

"Levi, what's Eren doing tomorrow?" Hange asked as Levi gave her a deadpanned look.

"Cleaning the courtyard." He said as Hange smiled.

"Okay, then! It's settled! Eren... See you tomorrow!" Hange said creepily after grabbing Eren's hand.

"R-Right. But what do you mean by experiments with titans?" Eren asked as we all stiffened, obviously except for Levi.

"Hmm?" Hange hummed in a creepy tone as Eren blinked.

"U-Um, what kind of experiments..." Eren started but Oluo interrupted.

"Hey, stop... Don't ask!" Oluo said as Hange giggled.

"Ah... I knew it. I thought you looked like you wanted to hear..." Hange said in a dreamy voice as we all got up.

"Sorry, Eren." I said as I left him to his fate.

I remember the many times Hange had kept me awake at night to tell me all about her experiments, so my greatest sympathies to Eren.

"That stupid boy..." Oluo muttered as I stretched my tired limbs.

"Well I'll be going in now. Good night." I said as Petra came with me, both our rooms in the same direction.

"Good night, Petra." I said as the ginger haired girl whispered a cheery good night before closing her door.

I entered my room, sighing as I dropped on the mattress.

However, before I could close my eyes and fall asleep, a knocking on my door made me groan.

"Who is it?" I asked and nobody answered as I scowled and pulled back the door.

Levi stood outside as I sighed.

"What do you want? I'm tired." I whined as Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance before grabbing my wrist.

"H-Hey, where are you taking me?" I asked as Levi shushed me.

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