Chapter 55

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hahahah sorry i have no excuse just busy working too much but anyway enjoy

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I had barely taken a step forward and I was already enveloped in a hug as I let out a small noise of surprise as Hange clung to me so tightly, I had struggle breathing.

I was glad Levi had taken the initiative to clean my wound then before we came back to the rest of the squad.

I already knew Hange wouldn't have had the consciousness in her to even care if I had any injuries after learning I was presumably "dead".

I let out a small laugh when Hange suddenly pulled away and punched me in the arm.

"Ow!" I said, rubbing my arm as Hange sniffled, "That's what you get for dying on me again." Hange said as I chuckled softly.

"Yeah, well, I guess I deserve it then." I said as Hange quickly wiped at her tears as I grinned.

"Aw, is Hange shedding tears for me?" I teased as Hange pouted.

"Yes, and so what." She said, whining like a child as I laughed.

I could feel Levi watching Hange like a hawk as she refused to let me go, clinging onto me like a child she is.

"Alright, let her go." Levi finally said as we had almost both tripped.

"No." Hange pouted as Levi rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"You're going to end up hurting her." Levi said as Hange grinned.

"Oh, am I making Shorty jealous? Hmm... Is that what this is. But Y/n's mine~" Hange teased as she kissed me on the cheek, grinning like a goddamn fool as I laughed, rolling my eyes.

However, Levi grabbed my wrist, quite aggressively pulling me away as I stumbled into his arms.

"Don't even." Levi warned as Hange just grinned even wider.

"I think I know how to get on Shorty's nerves now." Hange exclaimed in excitement as Levi glared at Hange who raised her hands up.

"Sorry, totally won't do it again." She said, giving me a knowing wink as I laughed.

"Anyway, if Shorty over here is done being overprotective, we should get going." Hange announced as I nodded in agreement.

"The three of us along with Eren and Mikasa will go." Hange said as we walked towards the younger cadets.

"Considering Sasha being injured, we'll leave the rest to just be on the lookout as well." Hange explained as Levi and I agreed.

Hange had gone to talk with the others as Levi and I made our way down first.

"This will take a lot of time to rebuild." I muttered, staring at the broken havoc.

Levi only hummed in agreement, until Hange dropped down from below, the other two close behind.

"Y/n-san!" Eren shouted but another person first collided into me full on as I felt the air leave my lungs, making me cough.

However, Mikasa paid no attention as she just kept her arms wrapped around me tightly as I laughed, remembering I forgot to make my grand entrance to the cadets.

I softly pat Mikasa on the back, trying to calm her down as I smiled.

"W-We thought! They told us! Levi said-" Mikasa could barely finish her sentences as she tried to stop the tears rolling down her cheeks, but the emotions were too strong as she hiccuped, eyes watery.

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