006: Gone dead

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You had been sitting on the bed for a while after that.

He was answering simple questions that you asked, and you just kept asking more & more questions.

You just sat at the foot of the bed, and pulled out your phone.

"So, does your dimension have these?" You asked, knowing it was a stupid question.

Mephone4S looked at you like you were one of the dumbest people on the planet.

"Look me in the eyes and ask that question again," He gave a blank expression.

You just laughed softly and just sat your phone back in your lap.

"I know, it's stupid, but I meant hand held iPhones," You basically asked the question again.

Mephone4S just pressed his lips together for a second before answering with; "How do you think my creator thought of my design?"

You looked over at the phone, giving a small chuckle.

"I just thought he based you off of Arnold from those Terminator movies," You laughed to yourself, looking back down at your phone.

Your friend hadn't texted you in a while. Hm, maybe they already called the cops. You thought.

Mephone4S looked at you with a look of almost pure confusion.

"Well, he always called me The Terminator,"

You quickly snapped your fingers and laughed to yourself. "I KNEW IT,"

"But I know nothing about this 'Arnold from those Terminator movies'," He quietly added while you laughed, still giving you a confused look.

"You should, since he was obviously inspired by him,"

You rubbed your eyes as you then tried to think of more questions to ask this phone.

You had so many that you couldn't even think about them properly.

"Hm..." You hummed, looking back down at your phone.

But, while you were looking at your phone, Mephone4S suddenly asked you a question for once.

"Why don't you take the chains away?"

You looked back up at him for a second, and just shrugged. "You'll try to kill me again?"

It was your only answer, and the only thing you could imagine happening if you actually did take the chains off of him.

"I don't have my gun," He told you.

You raised your eyebrows, remembering that. Oh yeah, I hid it. You thought.

"You'll probably try to find it when I let you go, and then you'll kill me," You silently snickered at yourself being an asshole.

Mephone4S had given up trying to ask you questions right away. He just somehow knew there was no getting threw with you.

You had eventually left the guest room to go to the kitchen.

You were pretty hungry, especially since you didn't eat anything in hours.

So, you decided to quickly make yourself some pancakes. You already made about three of them already.

It was the good kind of pancakes, with red food coloring and pink sprinkles.

You hummed a soft tune under your breath as you waited for you pancakes for be ready.

You thought to yourself as you continued to hum. Shouldn't the cops be here by now?...what am I gonna do with this dude if the cops don't come?

With eyebrows furrowed, you looked over at the staircase.

Really though, what am I gonna do with him? You thought once more.

I can't just keep him.

You looked back down at your pancake maker.

Not as a pet, at least. You silently snickered at the thought for a moment, slowly going back to a blank expression.

As you thought, you quickly took the last pancake out of the maker, not wanting to burn it.

You set it with the rest on the plate, you reached to unplug your pancake maker after.

"FUCK-" You then gasped, burning your forearm while unplugging it. "Ahh-" You hissed in pain, grabbing your forearm.

It stung, it stung real bad.

You tried to hold back any screams, and quickly went to the freezer and opened it. "Ow, ow ow-"

The freezing air brushed against your face as you dug your other arm into one of the ice packs.

You pulled out an ice cube, and quickly closed the freezer.

Another painful hiss escaped past your lips as you rubbed the ice cube against your burnt skin.

You then waited there for about a minute before throwing the ice cube in the sink and going to the living room, plate of waffles in hand.

The waffles were great, they were definitely better than what you originally imagined.

Delicious. You thought, finishing your last bite...of the second waffle.

Yeah, turns out you weren't really hungry for the other waffles.

Sure, they were still VERY delicious, but you were already full with the other two.

"Hm.." You hummed, looking at the other two. The thought of just saving them for later tonight, and even throwing them away.

But a thump from upstairs soon caught your attention and made you look up at the staircase.

Did something fall? You thought, soon remembering who was up there.


You ran up the stairs, and through the unfortunately long hallway. SHIT SHIT SHIT!!

You slammed the guest door open, completely convinced that the phone had broken free of the chains.

Thankfully though, you saw Mephone4S still on the bed.

The guy was laying on his face.

"4S?" You raised an eyebrow. A part of you immediately thought that this was a trap.

After no answer, you quickly walked over to the bed, and grabbed his sides.

You then picked him up, he was actually pretty light, but you already knew that, since you had to drag him up the stairs.

But he was limp, and his screen was black. You furrowed your eyebrows at this.

Did he turn himself off? You thought, then pressing his on button to see if he would turn on.

Unfortunately, you were quickly met with an image of a battery with a very low bar.

"Oh, your battery died.." You whispered, setting Mephone4S back on the bed.

One of his limp legs dangled from the side of the bed as his body gently leaned against the wall.

Should I just leave him like this?

You then shook your head.

No. I'm not a monster. You thought, then reaching over to the giant, chained phone.

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