013: Color of love

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Both of you smiled, as the two of you then put your feet back on the floorboards and stood up.

He looked up at you, eyes still a little puffy from the tears. You just smiled and looked down at the sunglasses in your hands.

You then handed them back to him. "I believe these belong to you," He chuckled, and took them back.

Mephone4S then put the sunglasses back on his screen, covering up his still beautiful, bright maroon eyes.

The two of you then looked at each other for a couple of seconds.

You opened your arms, and slowly stepped towards the giant phone. He flinched slightly, before quickly realizing that you weren't going to hurt him.

He's glad he now knows you would never do that.

He then opened his arms with you, and did the same.

You closed your eyes as you then wrapped your arms around his body and rested your chin on the top of him. He basically shoved his face into your chest.

Not in a sexual way, not that he knew anything about that yet though, but in a... "you make me feel special by doing this, and I want to make you feel special too" way.

The two of you shared a long, and comforting hug. He almost copied your movements as well.

Whenever you started to rub his back, or pat it, he did the exact same thing. His patting was a bit aggressive, but you never complained.

None of the less, it still made you smile that he was sharing the feeling with you.

"I-.. I love you, 4S,"

"I adore you too,"

The two of you then pulled away from each other. He looked up at you, a genuine smile on his face.

And you looked down at him, a loving smile on yours. He looked so happy, and that made you happy.

"Do you wanna go back inside?" You chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck. He nodded his face.

Mephone4S basically followed you everywhere after that moment, a joyful smile rested on his screen the entire time.

He was so happy that someone actually cared.

Surprisingly, he was very compassionate. Especially whenever he would try to copy your loving deeds.

You kiss him? He'll kiss you like, ten times. He just can't get enough of you!

Snuggling? He'll attach to your body like he's one of those rubber sticky hands on a wall.

He's just overall a lover.

It kind of makes sense though.

His creator made his screen red with the intention of him being a vicious war machine.

And he is, because red can be the color of rage, murder, and horror.

But, red can also be the color of love.

The Color Red [ Mephone4S x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now