Part I: In This Moment

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(Reminder that I've published this story on Fanfiction as well if you'd like to read it there!)

It was a strange feeling to be away from home for this long. Before meeting each other, they never really left their gardens. Juliet wasn't allowed to leave, and Gnomeo only ever went outside the Blue Garden when he raced lawnmowers against Tybalt. The night they met was the longest they'd ever been out of their homes, up until now. Now it had been almost eight hours since they decided to start a new life together, and they weren't looking back.

Featherstone was happier than ever now that his new friends were going to be staying with him, rebuilding the home he once knew. It was going to take time, but with all of them working on it together, it would pay off. Shroom decided to stay with them as well, being that Gnomeo was his closest companion and he wanted to be there for him every step of the way.

There was a gentle drizzle passing through, with a few storm clouds in the distant sky. The four remained unconcerned about it, as the sounds of raindrops falling against the roof of the greenhouse was quite peaceful.

The couple and their two friends were laying on the floor in the greenhouse to stay sheltered from the rain, enjoying the tranquility together. It was especially nice for Gnomeo, since back home his life was an endless cycle of work and revenge and more revenge. Here, he could just sit in silence with his favorite people without a care in the world. It was almost like a weight was lifted off his shoulders, allowing him to actually breathe.

As a subtle bit of thunder was heard from afar, Featherstone decided to speak. "Do you guys ever wonder where thunder comes from?"

Of course, knowing him, silence wasn't long-lasting. But no one seemed to be bothered. "What do you mean?" Gnomeo asked, glancing over at him.

The flamingo kept his focus on the sky as he pondered his question further. "I mean, why does the sky rumble like that? Is it the rain that makes it happen or is it the clouds?"

Juliet chuckled, "Well actually, it's the lightning. That's why you always hear thunder afterward."

"Mm, Mother Nature's a strange thing." He said, shaking his head. "Why does lightning cause thunder? Why is it possible for frogs to fall from the sky? Why does the sky go dark every seven years? 'Ju know what I mean?"

The two gnomes exchanged a look, both having to hold in a laugh at his questions. All were valid questions that neither of them really knew how to answer, but they found his curiosity amusing nevertheless.

Juliet decided to change the subject. "Do you think they're wondering where we are?" She asked the Blue gnome, turning to lay on her side so she could face him better.

"Well, since we kind of disappeared with no explanation, I'd say yes." Gnomeo answered with a small scoff. "But don't worry, they won't find us here. In fact, Shroom suggested earlier that we board the hole in the fence so that no one can come in."

"Really?" She widened her eyes, briefly glancing over in the direction of the fence they were discussing. It actually wasn't a bad idea. At least it would ensure that no one from either garden would stumble upon the Lawrence Place and find them.

"Yep," He looked over in the direction of the mushroom—who was laying next to Featherstone, fast asleep already. "He's just as determined as we are to keep this thing a secret."

Juliet giggled, scooting a little closer to him. He noticed her movements and took a small guess as to what she was signaling. He smirked softly, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her in close. She hummed happily in response, nuzzling her head up against his chest.

The rain was beginning to pour down harder, and thunder was becoming more frequent. Still, none of them were bothered or even concerned. As gnomes, they were used to harsh weather from being outside all the time. Featherstone seemingly didn't mind it either, despite being stuck inside a shed for 20 years. Maybe being able to see the rain instead of just listening to it brought comfort to the flamingo.

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