Drabble Contest

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We're back again with another contest and this time it's a Drabble Contest

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We're back again with another contest and this time it's a Drabble Contest.

We're back again with another contest and this time it's a Drabble Contest

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Write a drabble on 'The Year that Spring forgot...'.

→ Deadline for submission - 25 May 2022

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→ Deadline for submission - 25 May 2022

→ Submit your entries through this form.

→ Wordcount: 1000 characters

→ You are allowed to submit multiple entries but you can win with only one

→ All entries must be written in English

→ No mature entries are allowed. Adhere to Wattpad Content Guidelines

→ Shout out from all three participating profiles Magic, WattpadLitfic and YAFantasy

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→ Shout out from all three participating profiles Magic, WattpadLitfic and YAFantasy

→ Feature in Winners Anthology of Magic

So put on your writing hats and let the fun begin.

Spring Fiesta 2022Where stories live. Discover now