AnnieMelly - Sock puppets

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...Lesbian Melly does stuff with her cracker wife fr fr, I have extreme brainrot im going loco over them rn //

               Melly Plinius was a simple woman, she enjoyed simple things. Like simple women. The brunette had taken a like to both the sweet buzz of a stripped insect, and her own soft petal. Like the creatures she'd grown accustomed to, she was drawn to the sweet nectar of the woman's love and gentleness. Both were similar as well, of course. Annie enjoyed soft things just the same as she did, both were ambitious... and both went through frankly quite nasty divorces. Annie's, Melly always thought, was worse. Especially because the loss of her child stained the already harsh memories.  Those stains, Melly had sought to wipe off her wife's mind. Some days, she was successful, some days, she watched the merchant grant a child with a small robotic dog, catching her eye of restlessness.  Out on their farm, with a stand afront for Annie to brand her growing business, ((now that it had the attention of the local community, and word had begun to spread,)) as well as for Melly to advertise her strawberries, sometimes pumpkins, and flower arrangements. Which of course, Annie took part in. How could she not? Both women always talked of the other as if they were pure royalty, and together would dance like that was true in their small cottage, surrounded by Annie's woven blankets and stuffed pillows made just for Melly to cuddle when her other half was away traveling into the main town... and forbade Melly from going, as to not distract her.

             Today, thankfully, was not one of those days Annie was gone and separated from her arms. Today, actually, she'd just returned to spend easter alone with Melly, much to the keeper's delight. What made it even better, was that she was seated at their log table, playing out papers, scissors, tufts of cotton leftover from Annie's past restocks and other creations... beads, as well as a large tub of glue. Annie had gotten it after Melly had cried several times over the fact she thought shed permanently broken one of her beloved's clay sculptures by accidently knocking it over. Melly didn't like to think about that embarrassing fact. Two outgrown socks as well! And scraps of papers from news articles that'd been written of her research. The scent of honey flew through the dimly lighted area, Melly had insisted they place shelves for Annie's things near her workplace, as the other couldn't bare to stand the clutter ((that was, unless it was her own piles of notes and books)).. the fireplace was lit..  the fire was actually what lit the main room, other than the slowly rising sun. Drawing the curtains and fastening them to the wall in an orderly fashion, Melly watched as the merchant came stumbling into the room, half awake with her pajamas clinging to her frame, like a goddess that stumbled into Melly's life.  The brunet stepped forward, scooping the blonde into her arms, whisking her around in small spins, all while the other laughed softly and looked up to her with sleepy, wonderful blue eyes. 

           "Has thou slept well, my queen" Annie laughed, and hugged Melly's neck. The warmth spread across her whole back in a sweep of simple affection, causing the spins to lose focus, but her grip to only tighten. "My knight! How my slumber has rid me of the dragons that lurk within the night, it is good to see the sun of thou's eyes look back to mineth." Annie proposed, snuggling closer against the researcher's new puffed out, proud. Slowly letting the blonde down to her feet, after countless kisses and loving whispers of a promise to stay together, the princess and her protector. "I thought we could do something together, this morning. To celebrate! You know, your return." Annie looked up at her, nodding softly and smiling. "I saw, did you wash the socks?" "Of course I washed them, your feet stink!" Following the small tease, Annie softly ran her hand against the other's cheek, smiling in the soft manor that always drove her practically crazy. Her own little fluttering butterfly, her soft skin left goose bumps, her words rich with a powdered sugar and her laugh running like a stream, each small giggle a droplet of joy that rang along Melly's ears, like the church bells she recalled so fondly that belonged to their special day, just their own. "Sit down! I lit candles, I prepped the windows for you to look out, just like you like, hm? Don't need to say it... I'm a wonderful wife." "And a smart one too, how's your book going, dear?" "Just fine, actually." Hearing Annie's chair slide across their polished floor, Melly drew her own with the lingering warmth from the hugs shared earlier. 

         So, the two's morning continued, Melly couldn't stop staring at Annie's skillful, practically effortless movements. As Annie ran black paint which she'd gotten up to get earlier against her sock, Melly was struggling to simply do two equal sized dots for the puppet's yes, she considered making one just wink, so it'd be easier. Annie could probably do this with her eyes sown shut, now that Melly actually thought about it. The graceful stokes.. the bright colors together, each piece of paper pushed perfectly together with some water for wings.. the wire's tilted.. and then her sorry excuse for a craft, lop sided with an uneven mouth,  mashed together misshapen horns. and a painted on beard, that had actually become huge due to her messing up and just expanding the beard to 'fix' it multiple times. Melly bit her tongue, just deciding to focus on her own work as to not feel any worse about the mess shed thrown together.

           "I like it, it's cute." Annie announced, looking up from her raised artistry. "It's a goat, isn't it? How are you doing on the goat pen outside? We're still naming it Bumble, right? You have quite the obsession, truly." Melly paused, cursing at the fact Annie could read her even in her sleep, just like she could craft. "Yeah, it's good. I didn't mean to get frustrated over this, I'm sorry. I do find it fun though, sitting here with you. You're a sight for sore eyes." Annie laughed, got up, showed her the fuzzed up be plushie, paint half dry and antenna's yet to be fastened properly, and pressed it against Melly's nose in a kiss fashion, allowing the other to laugh as a spot of paint stuck to her nose. "How about we start getting lunch ready, hm?"

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