EliNaib - Video Games

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       Naib enjoyed the act of competition, through anything really. The booth contest his school has held, which ended up being a big hit for all the wrong reasons. Photos of two guys nobody- well, actually a few people, expected. He grumbled at the last person who tried to send him the photo, and the people that joked it'd be his picture next. The senior didn't like gossip, thought it was irritating. If you wanted to talk of someone, he believed you had to do it to their face. Which is just why, he wasn't quite the most liked, people whispered of him when he was right next to him- the growl of his throat proved enough warning to have them scramble off. Thats how most were, they barked like male dogs, holding their head high with pride and puffing out their chest, as if they were lions viewing their kingdom. When challenged, they bowed as if they were bitches. They whined, expressed how it wasn't fair to them. Nothing was fair, really. Rigged games, always having a character more powerful than the other. He enjoyed those games the most, he could show skill. Discipline like he was in the ring, he'd prove despite his size, how much they thought he was weak, he would win. He would always win, always prove he'd been better than they'd assumed. He didn't care for the fans, he never would. He only cared for the rush of adrenalin he felt each day, each punch, each smash of pain against his ribs when he fought. He fought for his pride, his own swish of pride, not for the cheers of others, for the guys that tried to pat his back and congratulate him. Ganji was similar, except he did care, every time his bat hit the ball, he'd scan the crowd for a face. Naib knew that face, but he didn't know the feeling Ganji got. The search of approval from someone who wasn't even your parent? Trying so hard to impress them, and they the same? No, he didn't understand that sensation. William tried to talk his ear off about it, how he saw that person as his angel, each breath near that one person seemed to never register, the air in his lungs would flutter off somewhere he never dreamed of. That was true, he never dreamed of that place. He never wanted to visit; he was too busy. Busy putting together his future, the applications he would put in, as Victor always said.. your name needed to be known. He had to be remembered to never live where he was, never feel the hunger stab his gut and never feel disgusting. The grime came off his uniform every night, he always ate good meals, maybe too much, usually Ganji passed over his leftovers with a grunt. Naib knew he didn't mind though, he never cared too much for the opinions of others and was quite disgusted with the quality of the food about the school. Naib knew he himself didn't mind that fact though, any food filled his belly.  William always joked that he was like Kirby, Kirby was too easy of a game for Naib's taste. Luca played it a lot though, not much anymore, too busy having that same blonde boy marvel over him, and Luca gladly returned the favor.

         Naib complained about it, over and over again. Luca shooed him away and his boytoy looked at him with an amused glance. Victor, plenty of people knew him, at first Naib regarded him as creepy, when Naib tried to ask whom sent him a love letter, he smiled and shook his head. Luca confirmed 'Vic' couldn't speak, which made him less... unappealing. The two were polar opposites, Naib never would've expected it- then again, he never actually knew how anyone was feeling, he wasn't what someone would call situationally aware. William said that every time some kid named Eli came to watch him, but that was silly, Naib knew of Eli. They were friends, great friends, Eli brought him snacks that would always make him perform better. It was kind of weird, they'd always have to be warm- he thought. Freshly delivered, every single time. Or else they didn't work, he told that to Eli, he'd laughed, but agreed to always make sure the pastries were right on time. Naib preferred warm food, it was better than cold pieces, despite his uncaringness to whatever he dined on, a man could have favorites. Like, Eli's booth was his favorite, he was the customer than appeared most. Refills on only what Eli baked, each slice of cake and cups of hot chocolate to wash every mouthful of sugar down. Ganji was disgusted, William begged for a peace- and Naib only gave him the crumbs. William begged Ganji to buy him stuff the rest of the day after that. Ganji got mad at him for it. He didn't care and wondered off to find more things to do. Eli tried to join him, but Naib said he didn't want to mess with his stall's sales. The owl loving boy laughed, and waved him a goodbye, his shoulders drooped, poor thing probably had really bad back issues. Who could blame Eli? The time spent looking at a screen like Luca did... must've done a number on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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